Dhirendra Shastri Net Worth
Who is Dhirendra Shastri?
Dhirendra Krishna Shastri (born name Dhirendra Krishna Garg) also known as Bageshwar Dham Sarkar or Maharaj, is the peethadhish of the Bageshwar Dham Sarkar, a religious pilgrimage site in Chhatarpur district of MP in India. He was born on July 4, 1996. Shastri recites stories at Bageshwar Dham in Chhatarpur.
What is Dhirendra Krishna Shastri Age:
Dhirendra Shastri was born on July 4, 1996.
Where is Dhirendra Shastri From?
Dhirendra Shastri was born in Gada the village of Chhatarpur district Madhya Pradesh.
Dhirendra Shastri Net Worth:
As per various reports, Dhirendra Shastri makes 10 to 15 thousand rupees every day. His total net worth is around 20 Crore Rupees.
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Tags: – Monthly income, 2022, 2023, wiki.
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