
1.What is the theme of ‘World No Tobacco Day 2024’?
[A] Threat to our environment
Grow food, not tobacco
[C] Protecting Children From Tobacco Industry Interference
[D] Commit to Quit

Correct Answer: C [Protecting Children From Tobacco Industry Interference]
Observed annually on May 31st, World No Tobacco Day 2024 focuses on “Protecting Children From Tobacco Industry Interference.” The theme aims to safeguard young people from the harmful effects of tobacco and calls on the industry to cease targeting the youth with detrimental products.

2.Recently, researchers of which institute have developed a novel and safer method to mass produce recombinant proteins?
[A] Indian Institute of Science (IISc)
Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR)
[C] Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)
[D] National Institute of Biomedical Genomics (NIBMG)

Correct Answer: A [Indian Institute of Science (IISc)]
Researchers at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) have developed a safer process for producing recombinant proteins (RPs), which are proteins modified by recombinant DNA (rDNA) technology. Traditionally, RPs like insulin and monoclonal antibodies are produced using organisms such as yeast Pichia pastoris, which uses hazardous methanol. The new method employs mono-sodium glutamate (MSG) as a safer alternative. E. coli is also used for RP production due to its efficient growth and high yield.
3.Tadoba- Andhari Tiger Reserve, recently seen in the news, is located in which state?
[A] Maharashtra
[C] Odisha
[D] Andhra Pradesh

Correct Answer: A [Maharashtra]
A 32-year-old woman was killed by a tiger in the buffer zone of Maharashtra’s Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve (TATR). TATR, the largest and oldest tiger reserve in Maharashtra, covers 625.4 sq. km and includes Tadoba National Park and Andhari Wildlife Sanctuary. It features Southern Tropical Dry Deciduous vegetation and notable wildlife like tigers, leopards, and sloth bears. The reserve has corridor linkages with other tiger reserves and houses diverse flora and fauna.
4.Recently, where was the Kavango-Zambezi Trans-Frontier Conservation Area (KAZA TFCA) Summit held?
[A] Malawi
[C] Zambia
[D] Senegal

Correct Answer: C [Zambia]
Over 400 delegates convened in Livingstone, Zambia, for the first Kavango-Zambezi (KAZA) Trans-Frontier Conservation Area summit. The summit aims to assess progress since KAZA-TFCA’s inception, review the 2016 Memorandum of Understanding, and reinforce the 2011 KAZA Treaty. The theme focuses on using KAZA’s natural and cultural resources for socio-economic development. KAZA-TFCA spans 520,000 square kilometers across five southern African countries.
5.Which organization recently released the report titled ‘Hooking the next generation: how the tobacco industry captures young customers’?
[A] World Bank
United Nations Development Program (UNEP)
[C] International Labour Organization (ILO)
[D] World Health Organization (WHO)

Correct Answer: D [World Health Organization (WHO)]
The WHO and STOP released the “Hooking the Next Generation: How the Tobacco Industry Captures Young Customers” report on World No Tobacco Day, May 31. Key findings include that 37 million children aged 13-15 use tobacco globally, and 85% of 15-30-year-olds were exposed to e-cigarette ads. E-cigarettes produce nicotine-laden aerosol, an addictive substance.
6.According to the provisional estimate of the National Statistical Organisation (NSO), what was the growth rate of Indian economy in 2023-24?
[A] 7.6%
[C] 6.6%
[D] 5.1%

Correct Answer: B [8.2%]

According to the National Statistical Organisation (NSO), India’s GDP grew by 8.2% in FY 2023-24, surpassing the Reserve Bank of India’s estimate of 7.6%. This marks the ninth time since 1960-61 that GDP growth exceeded 8%. The high growth rate was driven by a strong performance in Q4 (January-March 2024), with a 7.8% increase compared to the same period in 2023.
7.Recently, the Armed Forces Medical Services (AFMS) signed an MoU with which IIT to collaborate on research and training?
[A] IIT Delhi
IIT Kanpur
[C] IIT Bombay
[D] IIT Hyderabad

Correct Answer: D [IIT Hyderabad]
The Armed Forces Medical Services (AFMS) and IIT Hyderabad have signed an MoU to collaborate on research and training. This partnership aims to innovate medical devices and address health issues for soldiers in diverse terrains. The agreement was signed by Lt Gen Daljit Singh and Prof. BS Murty, with IIT Hyderabad providing technical expertise through its Biotechnology, Biomedical Engineering, and Bioinformatics departments.
8.Recently, which organizations jointly launched ‘BIMReN initiative’ for PhD students?
[A] Ministry of Earth Sciences and Indian Ocean Rim Association

Ministry of External Affairs and Bay of Bengal Programme-Inter Governmental Organization

[C] Ministry of Science and Technology and BIMSTEC Secretariat
[D] Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change and SAARC

Correct Answer: B [Ministry of External Affairs and Bay of Bengal Programme-Inter Governmental Organization ]
The Indian government launched BIMReN (BIMSTEC-India Marine Research Network) with MEA and BOBP-IGO to boost blue economy development. BIMReN supports PhD students from BIMSTEC countries to conduct research in India through Split-Site Doctoral Fellowships, offering up to INR 1 million and 6-12 months at Indian labs. It also promotes Twinning Research Projects with grants up to INR 5 million for 24-month regional collaborations.
9.Funan Techno Canal project, recently seen in news, is associated with which country?
[A] Malaysia
[C] Indonesia
[D] China

Correct Answer: B [Cambodia]
Cambodia plans to commence construction on the Funan Techo canal, a 180-kilometer project funded by China. This canal will link Kep, a coastal province, to the capital Phnom Penh via the Bassac River, diminishing reliance on Vietnamese ports for international shipping. It aims to boost Cambodia’s connectivity and trade autonomy.
10.Which state recently hosted ‘Outlook Planet Sustainability Summit & Awards 2024’?
[A] Maharashtra
Tamil Nadu
[C] Goa
[D] Rajasthan

Correct Answer: C [Goa]
Goa recently hosted the inaugural Outlook Planet Sustainability Summit & Awards 2024 for Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs). Organized by Outlook Media Group, with BDO India as Awards Process Advisor and IIT Goa as Knowledge Partner, the event gathered policymakers and CPSE top management to discuss sustainability initiatives. REC Limited was honored with the “Sustainability Champion—Editor’s Choice Award,” and Power Finance Corporation (PFC) Limited received the Corporate Social Responsibility award in the Non-Fossil Fuel category.
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