Crazy Things People Say to Teachers (And How to Respond)



Teaching is an incredibly rewarding profession, but it can also come with its fair share of challenges, including the occasional strange or inappropriate comment from people who may not fully understand the importance of their role. In this article, we will explore some of the craziest things people say to teachers and the best ways to handle these potentially awkward situations.

1. “Those who can’t do, teach.”

Response: The saying “Those who can’t do, teach” implies that teachers are not capable of excelling in their field. However, many teachers have a deep understanding and mastery of their subject area. A polite response can be: “Actually, teaching requires a strong grasp of the subject matter and the ability to break down complex concepts for students to understand. It’s an important skill that I am proud to have.”

2. “You’re just a glorified babysitter.”

Response: This statement undermines the significance of a teacher’s role in shaping children’s lives. Respond with: “Teachers don’t just monitor students; we guide them on their educational journey by providing them with valuable knowledge and life skills that will help them succeed outside the classroom.”

3. “You must love having summers off!”

Response: While teachers do get a summer break, they often spend time preparing for the next school year or participating in professional development. You can reply with: “While it’s true that we get some time off during the summer, many teachers use that time for professional growth or planning for the next academic year.”

4. “My taxes pay your salary; you work for me!”

Response: Instead of getting defensive, acknowledge their point but provide perspective on your role as a public servant by saying: “I appreciate that your taxes contribute toward my salary; as a teacher, my priority is providing the best possible education for all students entrusted to my care.”

5. “You must be so happy to have such an easy job!”

Response: Teaching is a demanding and challenging profession that requires significant amounts of planning, professional development, and passion. Respond with something like: “Teaching is rewarding, but it can also be quite challenging. The hours spent planning lessons and providing individual support to students can be taxing, but seeing our students grow makes it all worth it.”


While the phrase “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” may hold some truth, the reality is that poorly chosen words can sting – especially when they come from a place of ignorance or misunderstanding. By responding with grace and professionalism, teachers can help to educate others about the immense value their profession holds and hopefully prevent further inappropriate comments in the future.

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