Call for Blogs | RGNUL CASLW Labour and Liberty Blog [Rolling Submission]


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Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law (RGNUL), Punjab, was established by the State Legislature of Punjab by passing the Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab Act 2006 (Punjab Act No. 12 of 2006). The Act incorporated a University of Law of national stature in Punjab, to fulfil the need for a Centre of Excellence in legal education in the modern era of globalization and liberalization. The University acquired approval of the Bar Council of India (BCI) in July 2006. The University also got registered with the University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi under Section of the and has been declared fit to obtain grant from the (UGC) under Section of the . The University was accredited with ‘A’ Grade by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) in 2015. The Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, ranked RGNUL the first amongst the cleanest Higher Educational Institutions, Swachh Campus (2019) in the category of Government Residential Universities.


The Centre has been established with a view to improve and strengthen the Labour Justice System in India. It strives to uphold and protect the rights of the labourers and their families thereby ensuring them a life of human dignity. The Centre also makes an effort to sensitize the labourers about their rights, which are enshrined in the and other legislations as well. In addition to it, the Centre makes an effort to impart education to the children of labourers in the University campus and makes them aware about their fundamental right to education thereby, making their parents realize their duty towards their children.

The basic aim behind the establishment of the Centre is to spread awareness about the welfare and empowerment of the labourers. Besides, the Centre organizes workshops, seminars and essay writing competitions on the problems of labourers of organized and unorganised sector. The Centre also recognizes the national and international issues concerning the promotion and protection of human rights and human dignity of labourers Centre for Advanced Studies in Labour Welfare, RGNUL welcomes submissions of Blogs, Articles, Essays, and proposals for Book Reviews through our electronic submission system on a rolling basis.

LENGTH: The word limit for the submission shall be 1200-1500 words. The Blog is flexible regarding the word count (up to 1800), depending on the quality of the submission. Co-authorship up to a maximum of two authors, of the same or different institutions is permissible.

ORIGINALITY: Any form of plagiarism is strictly prohibited. The author(s) bear sole responsibility for the accuracy of facts, opinions or views stated in the submitted Manuscript. In case of plagiarism found in the contents of the submitted manuscript, the manuscript shall be subject to rejection. Copyright of all blog posts shall remain with the Centre for Advanced Studies in Labour Welfare. All moral rights shall vest with the author(s).


The body of the manuscript should be in Times New Roman, font size 12 with 1.5 line spacing. The end notes should be in Times New Roman, font size 10 with single line spacing. The text alignment should be justified. Referencing and citations must be put up in the form of in-text hyperlinks for Internet sources. In the event that a cited material does not have an online copy or reference, only endnotes must be used. Endnotes for offline sources shall adhere to the Oxford University Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA) 4th Edition.

THEME: Labour Law, Employment Law and RTI law

SUB THEMES (Illustrative)

  • Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Labour Force

  • The Unaddressed: Issues Faced by Gig Economy Workers

  • Right to Information – Law, Policy and Governance

  • Impact of Layoffs in IT Industry

  • Menstrual Leaves and Employment Law

Please note: The themes are merely illustrative and not exhaustive. Any paper written within the broader purview of the theme will be considered.

SUBMISSION PROCEDURE: All submissions must contain the following:

  • The manuscript should be in .doc or .docx format.

  • The manuscript should not contain the name of the author or his/ her institutional affiliation or any other identification mark. Ensure that the title of the document has been renamed to the title of the post [without any personal detail of the author(s)].

  • The title of the manuscript should indicate the sub-theme that the author has chosen. The submission must be made through the Google form available

  • No cross-publication is allowed.

In case of any query please reach out to us at

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