AP SCERT Class 9 Textbooks 2023 download medium wise all subjects from here


AP SCERT 9th Class Textbooks 2023 or AP SCERT Class 9 Textbooks 2023 download medium wise all subjects from here.

The Andhra Pradesh State Council of Educational Research and Training has developed the State Curriculum Framework 2011 and Position Papers in tune with the National Curriculum Framework 2005 and the Right to Education Act 2009. Accordingly a new set of AP 9th Class textbooks has been designed and introduced.

The AP 9th Class english textbook, i.e., ‘9th class Our World through English textbook‘ is an integrated one in the sense it has the Main Reader component, the Supplementary Reader component and the Workbook component interwoven into a single textbook. Hence, these components are found in each and every unit.

The language skills listening, speaking, reading, and writing are integrated in the larger context of the themes as suggested in NCF 2005. The activities are so designed as to ensure the holistic treatment of language.

The main aim of teaching English is to help learners evolve themselves as independent users of English. This AP SCERT 9th class textbook will help teachers and students achieve this by making the teaching learning process effective.

As you all know, your Andhra Pradesh 9th Class English textbook is student friendly and interactive in nature. The new teaching methods and the activities given in the 9th class textbook demand your active participation.

The questions the teacher asks at various stages of learning may have more than one answer; you are expected to express your ideas and thoughts freely.

AP SCERT 9th Class Textbooks 2024
AP SCERT 9th Class Textbooks 2024

AP 9th Class English Chapters and its themes​

  1. Humour
    A. The Snake and the Mirror
    B. The Duck and the Kangaroo (Poem)
    C. Little Bobby
  2. Games and Sports
    A. True Height
    B. What Is a Player ? (Poem)
    C. V.V.S. Laxman, Very Very Special
  1. School Life
    A. Swami Is Expelled from School
    B. Not Just a Teacher, but a Friend (Poem)
    C. Homework
  2. Environment
    A. What Is Man Without the Beasts?
    B. The River (Poem)
    C. Can’t Climb Trees Any More
  3. Disasters
    A. A Havoc of Flood
    B. Grabbing Everything on the Land (Poem)
    C. The Ham Radio
  4. Freedom
    A. A Long Walk to Freedom
    B. Freedom (Poem)
    C. An Icon of Civil Rights

9th class English textbook is student friendly and interactive in nature. The new teaching methods and the activities given in the textbook demand your active participation.

The questions the teacher asks at various stages of learning may have more than one answer. You are expected to express your ideas and thoughts freely.

Features of the AP 9th Class English Textbook: You may have noticed that this textbook has a few features which make it different from the ones that we used earlier.

Units are thematically organized with passages meant for listening and reading. Activities focus on reading comprehension, vocabulary, grammar and study skills.

Measures have been taken to help learners get the rules familiarised with different genres such as narratives, essays, biographical sketches, plays, poems, etc. and construct them in oral as well as written forms.

Though the components in a unit have been organised as listening, speaking (oral activity), reading and writing, an integrated treatment of these skills has been worked out.

Vocabulary and grammar exercises have been contextually designed. A few questions and activities, given under comprehension, do not target any fixed responses; instead, they demand the learners to use language authentically both orally and in writing.

These comprehension questions and the language activities are merely stepping stones for the learners to gain proficiency in the language and as such are not goals by themselves.

AP 9th Class Mathematics textbook:​

The strength of a nation lies in its commitment and capacity to prepare its people to meet the needs, aspirations and requirements of a progressive technological society.

The syllabus in Mathematics for three stages i.e. primary, upper primary and secondary is based on structural and spiral approaches.

The teachers of secondary school Mathematics have to study the syllabus of classes 8 to 10 with this background to widen and deepen the understanding and application of concepts learnt by pupils in primary and upper primary stages.

The syllabus is based on the structural approach, laying emphasis on the discovery and understanding of basic mathematical concepts and generalisations.

The approach is to encourage the pupils to participate, discuss and take an active part in the classroom processes. The present textbook has been written on the basis of curriculum and Academic standards emerged after a thorough review of the curriculum prepared by the SCERT.

The syllabus has been divided broadly into six areas namely, Number System, Algebra, Geometry, Measuration, Statistics and Coordinate Geometry.

Teaching of the topics related to these areas will develop the skills prescribed in academic standards such as problem solving, logical thinking, mathematical communication, representing data in various forms, using mathematics as one of the disciplines of study and also in daily life situations.

The Maths text book attempts to enhance this endeavor by giving higher priority and space to opportunities for contemplations.

There is a scope for discussion in small groups and activities required for hands on experience in the form of ‘Do this’ and ‘Try this’. Teacher’s support is needed in setting the situations in the classroom.

AP 9th Class Maths Chapters​

  • Real Numbers
  • Polynomials and Factorisation
  • The Elements of Geometry
  • Lines and Angles
  • Co-Ordinate Geometry
  • Linear Equation in Two variables
  • Triangles
  • Quadrilaterals
  • Statistics
  • Surface areas and Volumes
  • Areas November
  • Circles
  • Geometrical Constructions
  • Probability
  • Proofs in Mathematics

AP 9th Class Social Textbook tries to explore the answers to some of these questions, how human societies in recent times managed to achieve such great possibilities as rapid growth of riches and rights, but at the same time failed to end inequality and exploitation.

This 9th Social textbook is in two parts, the first part deals with Geography and Economics and the second part deals with History and Social-Political Life.

While you will be studying these subjects systematically from class XI onwards, here you are being introduced some important topics and methods of study of these subjects.

The chapters in this book analyse some important social issues: they provide some information and some conclusions about them.

However, please remember that no chapter can cover all aspects or give you a complete picture. It only helps you to commence on a journey of enquiry. You need to think for yourself, read up more books in the library and internet about these topics, discuss them and then form your own opinion.

You will not gain anything by memorizing the information or conclusions given in this book. Instead try to think about them and find more about them.

When you seek information about any social problem, you will be engulfed with diverse kinds of information. How can we figure out if it is of use to us or not, if it is correct or not, how to distinguish between information which is correct and which is incorrect? This is the greatest challenge before any scholar who takes up advanced study.

First of all you need to check on the source of the information, is it authentic, whose viewpoint it expresses, what biases it shows etc etc.

Only then will you be able to come to any conclusion about its use for you. Books can only tell you what others thought and did.

At the end of it you need to decide for yourself your understanding and what you want to do about the social problems you will be studying.

You have the responsibility of both understanding the society and acting to make it better. We only hope that this book will help you in this.

AP 9th Class Social Chapters​

  1. Our Earth
  2. The Natural Realms of the Earth
  3. Hydrosphere
  4. Atmosphere
  5. Biosphere
  6. Agriculture in India
  7. Industries in Indiar
  8. Service Activities in India
  9. Credit in the Financial System
  10. Prices and Cost of Living
  11. The Government Budget and Taxation
  12. Changing Cultural Traditions in Europe 1300-1800
  13. Democratic and Nationalist Revolutions: 17th and 18th Centuries
  14. Democratic and Nationalist Revolutions: 19th Century
  15. Industrialisation and Social Change
  16. Social Protest Movements
  17. Colonialism in Latin America, Asia and Africa
  18. Impact of Colonialism in India
  19. Expansion of Democracy
  20. Democracy: An Evolving Idea
  21. Human Rights and Fundamental Rights
  22. Women Protection Acts
  23. Disaster Management
  24. Traffic Education

This AP 9th Class Physical Science Textbook or AP 9th Biological Science textbook is prepared in such a way that they develop children’s observation power and research enthusiasm. It is a primary duty of teachers to devise teaching- learning processes which arouse children’s natural interest of learning things.

The official documents of National & State Curriculum Frameworks and Right to Education Act are aspiring to bring grass root changes in science teaching. These textbooks are adopted in accordance with such an aspiration. Hence, science teachers need to adapt to the new approach in their teaching.

Learning science does not mean scoring good marks in the subject. Competencies like thinking logically and working systematically, learned through it,have to be practiced in daily life. To achieve this, instead of memorizing the scientific theories by rote, one must be able to study them analytically.

That means, in order to understand the concepts of science, you need to proceed by discussing, describing, conducting experiments to verify, making observations, confirming with your own ideas and drawing conclusions. This text helps you to learn in that way.

AP 9th Class Biology Chapters​

  • Cell its structure and functions
  • Plant tissues
  • Animal tissues
  • Plasma membrane
  • Diversity in living organisms
  • Sense organs
  • Animal behaviour
  • Challenges in improving agricultural products
  • Adaptations in different ecosystems
  • Soil pollution
  • Bio-geo-chemical cycles
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Class wise AP SCERT Worksheets
AP SCERT Teacher Handbooks
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