AP SCERT Class 7 Textbooks 2024 download medium wise all subjects from here


AP SCERT 7th Class Textbooks 2024 or AP SCERT Class 7 Textbooks 2024 download medium wise all subjects from here.

AP SCERT 7th Class Textbooks 20223 or AP SCERT Class 7 Textbooks 2024 download medium wise all subjects from here.

The Andhra Pradesh State Council of Educational Research and Training has developed the State Curriculum Framework 2011 and Position Papers in tune with the National Curriculum Framework 2005 and the Right to Education Act 2009. Accordingly a new set of AP 7th Class textbooks has been designed and introduced.

The AP 7th Class english textbook, i.e., ‘7th class Blossom textbook‘ is an integrated one in the sense it has the Main Reader component, the Supplementary Reader component and the Workbook component interwoven into a single textbook. Hence, these components are found in each and every unit.

The language skills listening, speaking, reading, and writing are integrated in the larger context of the themes as suggested in NCF 2005. The activities are so designed as to ensure the holistic treatment of language.

The main aim of teaching English is to help learners evolve themselves as independent users of English. This AP SCERT 7th class textbook will help teachers and students achieve this by making the teaching learning process effective.

As you all know, your Andhra Pradesh 7th Class English textbook is student friendly and interactive in nature. The new teaching methods and the activities given in the 7th class textbook demand your active participation.

The questions the teacher asks at various stages of learning may have more than one answer; you are expected to express your ideas and thoughts freely.

AP 7th class English Chapters​

  • 7th Class English Semester – 1 Chapters
  • My Painted House, My Friendly Chicken and Me
  • The Turning Point
  • A Journey Through the Hills and Valleys
  • The Brave Little Bowman
  • 7th Class English Semester – 1 Chapters
  • The Art of Weaving
  • The Why – Why Girl
  • The Bond of Love
  • Gurajada – The Legend
AP SCERT 7th Class Textbooks 2023
AP SCERT 7th Class Textbooks 2024

The Government of Andhra Pradesh has unleashed a new era in school education by introducing extensive curricular reforms from the academic year 2022-23.

The Government has taken up curricular reforms intending to enhance the learning outcomes of the children with focus on building solid foundational learning and to build up an environment conducive for an effective teaching-learning process.

To achieve this objective, special care has been taken in designing the textbooks to achieve global standards. As a part of the curricular reform, in order to support the designing of textbooks with better pedagogical strategies, handbooks are given to teachers with elaborate lesson plans.

Parental hand- books are prepared to impart awareness regarding the teaching-learning process to the parent community.

QR codes are incorporated in the beginning of each lesson to enable learning outside the classroom. There are eight lessons in the 7th class textbook.

The lessons are developed on the basis of the themes prescribed by NEP 2020 viz., wit and humour, motivation, culture and tourism, bravery, freedom, women empowerment, inclusivity, love for animals and responsibility.

Utmost care has been taken in the selection of main- reading, poems and extensive-reading that they are age and level appropriate. It is vivid that the variety of genre included the textbook will facilitate the students in exploring the different types of literature and help them grow interest in writing discourses on their owl and also achieving the learning outcomes.

AP 7th Class Maths Textbook:​

The aim of education will not only be the cognitive development, but also building up character, creating holistic and equipped with the 21st century skills. The curriculum of mathematics reoriented and revamped to attain these critical goals. It was also reduced to its core essentials to make space to critical thinking, discussion based heuristic learning.

The content was focused on concepts, problem solving, reasoning and daily life applications etc. Teaching learning process will be conducted in a more interactive way with fun, creative and exploratory activities for more experiential learning.

The mathematical concepts in the AP SCERT 7th Class Maths textbook are developed based on themes like Number System, Arithmetic, Algebra, Mensuration, Geometry and Statistics.

In this AP 7th Maths textbook, concepts are introduced through activities related to daily life situations and conversations.

To strengthen these concepts, individual activities, group activities and whole class activities are designed After completion of every concept of the chapter, an opportunity is provided to the student in the form of Check your progress, Let’s explore, Let’s think etc.

Unit exercise is given at the end of each chapter In this text book, we introduced Reasoning Corner to improve mathematical, logical and critical thinking of the students, which was recommended by NEP 2020.

This new attempt will help the students in competitive examinations like NMMS, NTSE and other Mathematical Olympiads.

The textbook attempted to enhance this endeavor by giving activities in the form of Let’s do activity, Project, Historical note, Puzzle time etc. QR codes are incorporated in each chapter to enable efficient learning outside the classroom.

In this 7th Class Science Textbook, twelve lessons, two semesters with six lessons each have been incorporated on the themes like Food, Materials, The world of living, Moving things, How things work, People and ideas, Natural Phenomena and Natural resources.

In order to reinforce the concepts, several projects and activities are given to inculcate scientific temperament.

Questions are framed for each lesson to recapitulate the conceptual understanding and to achieve competencies required for project works, drawings and model makings.

Each lesson is provided with eye catching illustrations to engage the children. The key concepts of the lessons are included under key words and the salient features of the lessons are given under the title “What we have learnt” for the review of the important concepts.

An effort has been made to relate the scientific concepts with the real-life events thereby developing and promoting scientific temperament.

7th Class Social Textbook:​

The Government has taken up curricular reforms intending to enhance the learning outcomes of the children with focus on building solid foundational learning and to build up an environment conducive for an effective teaching-learning process.

To achieve this objective, special care has been taken in designing the textbooks to achieve global standards.

There are twelve lessons in the AP SCERT 7th Class social textbook. These lessons are developed based on six themes i.e., Diversity on the earth, Production exchange and livelihood, Political systems and governance, social organisations and inequalities, religion and society, culture and communications.

This 7th Social book will help the students to study different aspects of our social life about diversity of land and people, how people get their livelihood, how people acquire for their common needs and manage them, why all people in our society are not equal, how people try to bring about equality, how people worship different Gods in different ways, and finally how they communicate with each other and build a culture which is shared by them.

AP Textbooks info
Class wise AP SCERT Worksheets
AP SCERT Teacher Handbooks
AP Textbooks info
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