AP Pre matric Scholarships to Disabled students 2023, Guidelines & Scholarships Rates


AP Pre matric Scholarships to differently abled students, Pre-matric Scholarships Rates, Amount, Allowances to I to X classes differently abled students, Prematric Scholarships Sanctioning guidelines, Procedure, Pre-matric Scholarships Fresh & Renewal Registrations for AP Disable welfare Students.

Pre matric Scholarships to AP SC/ST/BC/Disabled welfare Students Online Registrations @ AP ePass web portal, . G.O.MS.No. 56 Dated: 02-12-2016: Govt of AP, Department for Women, Children, Differently Abled and Senior Citizens – Enhancement of Pre-matric Scholarships to the eligible differently abled students – Orders – Issued. Read: 1. G.O.Ms.No.44, Women Development, Child Welfare and Disabled Welfare (DW) Department, dt.24.11.2008. 2. Minutes of the Review Meeting of Chief Minister held on 05.11.2015.

ORDER: In the G.O.1st read above, orders were issued for sanction of Pre- matric scholarships and other allowances to the differently abled students studying from I to X classes, whose parents / guardians income is less than Rs.1,00,000/- per annum.

2. In the Departmental Review meeting held by the Chief Minister on 05.11.2015, a decision was taken to enhance the Scholarships (Pre-matric) to the eligible differently abled students. 3. Government after careful consideration hereby enhance the rates of pre-matric scholarships, to the eligible disabled students from the year 2016- 2017:

TABLE – I (Existing rates) In Rupees

ClassScholarship per monthTransport Allowance per month (for O.H. only)Maintenance of Prosthetic/ Orthopedic aids per month(for O.H. only)Readers Allowance per month(for V.H. only)
Other Allowances
I to V70/-50/-25/-25/-
VI to VIII 100/- 50/- 25/-25/-
IX & X182/-50/-25/-50/-
pre-matric scholarship rates

TABLE – II (Proposed enhancement of rates) In Rupees

ClassScholarship per monthTransport Allowance per month(for O.H. only)Maintenance of Prosthetic/ Orthopaedic aids per month(for O.H. only)Readers Allowance per month(for V.H. only)
Other Allowances
I to V100/-100/-50/-50/-
VI to VIII 150/- 100/- 50/-50/-
IX & X225/-100/-50/-100/-
pre-matric scholarship rates

a) The annual income limit of parents/guardians for eligibility is Rs.1,00,000/- per annum.
b) The guidelines for procedure etc., to be followed for sanction of Pre- Matric Scholarships is as at Annexure.
c) The enhanced rates of scholarships shall come into force from the year 2016-2017.

4. The Director, Welfare of Differently Abled and Senior Citizens, Guntur, was already instructed to computerize the entire procedure apart from allocating a unique number to every scholarship holder/differently abled to facilitate tracking of all benefits received by him, as well as his/her performance. The Director, shall finalize and operationalize the software package accordingly.

5. The Director, Welfare of Differently Abled and Senior Citizens, Guntur is requested to utilize the available budget provision of Rs.87.00 crores, in the first instance.

6. The Director, Welfare of Differently Abled and Senior Citizens, Guntur shall take necessary action accordingly.

7. This order issues with the concurrence of Finance Dept., vide their U.O.No.49027/157/(FMU(WCDLH)/2016, Dt:02.12.2016.


GUIDELINES FOR PRE-MATRIC SCHOLARSHIPS: I. OBJECTIVE : The objective of the Scheme is to provide Financial Assistance to the Differently Abled students studying at Pre-matric Courses from Class I to X to enable them to complete their education.

II. ELIGIBILITY: 1. Differently Abled students belonging to A.P. State who are pursuing Pre-Matric Courses in Government Institutions in Andhra Pradesh.

2. The Commissioner/Director, Welfare of Differently Abled & Senior Citizens shall issue a notification in the leading newspapers before 30th June every year calling upon the eligible Differently Abled students to apply for fresh Pre- matric Scholarships.

3. The notification shall also be put on the notice board of the offices of Assistant Directors, Welfare of Differently Abled & Senior Citizens and through Press release in district editions of local News paper by the Assistant Directors, Welfare of Differently Abled & Senior Citizens.

4. The Commissioner / Director, Welfare of Differently Abled & Senior Citizens shall get the adequate number of Scholarship application forms printed and supplied to the Assistant Directors, Welfare of Differently Abled & Senior Citizens for onward supply to the students through the Head of the Institutions concerned. The application shall also be placed on web-site of department with facility to download the same.

5. The eligible Differently Abled students shall apply for scholarships in the prescribed proforma issued by the Commissioner/Director, Welfare of Differently Abled & Senior Citizens and shall submit the application duly filled in to the Head of Institution concerned on or before 30th September every year along with photographs.

6. The Assistant Directors, Welfare of Differently Abled & Senior Citizens shall verify all the applications received from Government and all other recognized schools with reference to the Original Transfer Certificate, Income Certificate and Disability Certificate wherever necessary and other information with reference to Admission Register based on verification and endorsement of the Head of the Institution and place the list before the Selection Committee headed by Joint Collector as Chair Person, D.E.O and Assistant Director, Welfare of Differently Abled & Senior Citizens as members of the Selection Committee.

7. In case of gap of 2 years or more in the study of the applicant the sanctioning authority shall sanction the scholarships on production of gap certificate issued by the Head of the Institution.

III. INCOME ELIGIBILITY: Scholarship and fee reimbursement will be made to the differently abled students subject to the following income ceilings. 1. Differently Abled Students pursuing pre-matric courses from I to X classes are eligible for scholarship and other allowances as mentioned in the G.O., if the annual income of parent/guardian is below Rs1,00,000/- per annum.


  • 1. The Assistant Director, Welfare of Differently abled & Senior Citizens shall be Drawing Officer. The Head Masters of the concerned institutions shall be Disbursing Officers.
  • 2. The Assistant Director, Welfare of Differently abled & Senior Citizens sanctions scholarships and presents institution wise bills to the Treasury as per the norms for all Government and other recognized institutions. i.e. first for Government schools, aided and unaided schools in the order of priority.
  • 3. On issue of cheques by the Treasury, the cheques are entered in Cheque Issue Register and distributed to the Heads of the institutions.
  • 4. The scholarship amount of the students are disbursed to the students through Account Payee cheques by the Heads of the institutions.
  • 5. Acquittances for the amount disbursed have to be submitted by the institutions before subsequent sanctions to the institutions.
  • 6. Budget for sanction of Pre Matric scholarships is released by the Commissioner/Director, Welfare of Differently abled & Senior Citizens every quarter.
  • 7. The names of students who are sanctioned scholarships with the amounts sanctioned shall be displayed in the notice board of the institution concerned and in the district offices apart from being placed on Web-site of the District and Directorate of Department of Welfare of Differently Abled & Senior Citizens.
  • 8. The Head of Institution shall fix the date for the purpose of disbursement of Scholarships under intimation to the Assistant Director, Welfare of Differently abled & Senior Citizens concerned and disburse the scholarship cheques on the date fixed in the presence of the students and parents.
  • 9. A passport size photograph of the scholarship holder showing the disability shall be pasted on the acquittance register for proper identification.
  • 10. The un-disbursed amount from any institution shall be sent back to the Assistant Director, Welfare of Differently Abled & Senior Citizens. The same amounts shall be sanctioned to the students who are next in merit in the same or other institute for the same year, with the approval of the Selection Committee. In case of non-availability of candidates, the same shall be remitted to the Government Account concerned through Challan immediately.
  • 11. Severe action shall be taken against the staff /institutions processing bogus applications for sanction of scholarships by de-recognizing the institutions besides disciplinary action and launch of prosecution against the Head of the Institutions / staff concerned by the Supervisory Officers. Any negligence in this regard will entail appropriate action against Supervisory Officers.
  • 12. The Institutions shall keep the original pass Certificates with the institutions till the completion of the course to avoid parallel admissions of students in several institutions simultaneously.

V. INSPECTION: The Assistant Director, Welfare of Differently Abled and Senior Citizens, shall carry out inspection of the institutions. The Commissioner/Director, Welfare of Differently Abled and Senior Citizens should depute the officers of the department not below the rank of Deputy Director for surprise field visits/random inspections.

VI. REVIEW BY DISTRICT COLLECTORS: The District Collector shall review periodically with the Assistant Director, Welfare of Differently Abled and Senior Citizens and the concerned officers of Education and other Departments to ensure that the objective of the scheme of Scholarships is fully achieved and to sort out problems if any.

VII. ACTION ON DEFAULTING INSTITUTIONS: Wherever the Department for Differently Abled and Senior Citizens reports about any irregularities or malpractices by the management of the institutions the District Collector shall take necessary action through the concerned Department to de-recognize or blacklisted such institutions apart from other appropriate action.

VIII. ACQUITTANCE: The Head of the Institutions/Principal/Head Master shall send the acquittance for the cheques disbursed along with cheque for un disbursed amount if any to the Assistant Director, Welfare of Differently Abled and Senior Citizens with in 10 days from the date of disbursement.

One copy of the acquittance shall be kept in the Educational Institution. The Head of the Institution shall send a list of students to whom scholarships were sanctioned giving the year, name, address, class, amount sanctioned, cheque particulars to Assistant Director, Welfare of Differently Abled and Senior Citizens. The same should be placed on the web-site of the District Office and Directorate.

IX. RECONCILIATION: The Assistant Director, Welfare of Differently Abled and Senior Citizens shall reconcile the expenditure figures with the Commissioner/Director, Welfare of Differently Abled and Senior Citizens, once in half year in order to ensure that no excess amounts are drawn under Scholarships. The Commissioner/Director, Welfare of Differently Abled and Senior Citizens shall send annual reconciliation report of all the districts to Government by the end of April every year.


  • a. The Assistant Directors, Welfare of Differently Abled and Senior Citizens shall update the status report regarding Scholarships by 5th of every month and e-mail to the Commissioner/Director, Welfare of Differently Abled and Senior Citizens.
  • b. The Commissioner/Director, Welfare of Differently Abled and Senior Citizens, shall review the sanctions, drawals and disbursement of funds by 15th of every month and take appropriate corrective measures apart from arranging random field verification.
  • c. The Head of the Institutions shall furnish or place on their web site results of scholarship holders giving particulars of results secured by each student to Assistant Director, Welfare of Differently Abled and Senior Citizens, who in turn shall email/furnish to Commissioner/Director, Welfare of Differently Abled and Senior Citizens /upload on website
  • d. The Commissioner /Assistant Director, Welfare of Differently Abled and Senior Citizens shall review success rate of scholarship holders annually.
  • e. The Commissioner / Assistant Director, Welfare of Differently Abled and Senior Citizens shall monitor and ensure timely disbursement of scholarships to the students.

XI. USE OF I.T PLATFORM: The Commissioner/Director, Welfare of Differently Abled and Senior Citizens shall take all efforts to implement the pre-matric Scholarship Scheme of the differently abled students similar to the e-pass platform of the Social Welfare Department.

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