Adelaide University Unveils Groundbreaking New Vision


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Australia’s newest major university has launched in market, taking Adelaide University to the world stage.

Today’s milestone showcases Adelaide University’s transformative approach to education and its future-focused identity with a new brand, website, and an initial suite of around 200 coursework programs to enable international admissions ahead of doors opening in 2026. Enquiries are open to all prospective students.

Adelaide University co-Vice Chancellors, Professor Peter Høj AC and Professor David Lloyd, said this is a pivotal milestone for South Australia, and for the communities of the University of South Australia and the University of Adelaide who are creating the new institution, together.

“Adelaide University is the first new major Australian university this century,” Professors Lloyd and Høj said.

“Today’s launch marks a momentous step – for future generations of learners, global researchers, innovators and entrepreneurs – with a contemporary and comprehensive for-purpose university at scale that will break ground and be a force for good.”

The University’s ambitions are expressed in its , which conveys a cutting-edge institution that is founded upon two strong legacies while looking to the future.

“Our approach to developing Adelaide University’s visual expression ensures that we have a compelling brand that will endure for decades to come,” Professors Høj and Lloyd said.

“Adelaide University will drive a transformative agenda as a global education and research powerhouse, and an exemplar for excellence and equity that reflects not only our vision, but also that of the Australian Universities Accord.”Adelaide University co-Vice Chancellors, Professor Peter Høj AC and Professor David Lloyd

“It builds on the foundations of our existing universities to deliver the needs of the global citizens of tomorrow, while becoming a member of the prestigious research-intensive Group of Eight (Go8).”

Adelaide University will offer a comprehensive suite of programs, including all major disciplines that are currently studied at the respective institutions. The subset of programs on the new align with international student interest, enabling them to commence the detailed admission process. Additional programs will be progressively released, including domestic offerings, regional study options and research degrees early next year ahead of local applications opening in August 2025 for the 2026 academic year, along with a comprehensive suite of online programs.

The University’s curriculum is unique in the distinctive features that apply to every program. These include modular and stackable learning, a flexible academic calendar, a digital underpinning that embraces AI technologies, work integrated learning, and common core courses across all degree programs, along with embedded graduate qualities to ensure strong employability.

This curriculum approach, called the ‘Adelaide Attainment Model’, places students front and centre.

“It caters for lifelong learners from all backgrounds, who will receive Australia’s most accessible, contemporary and future-focused education.

“Our graduates will be equipped to address the multigenerational needs of our state and nation, and the critical challenges of our rapidly changing world. Adelaide University will launch bright futures.

“We also aim to be in the top five nationally for student experience, providing a holistic and connected student journey that empowers our learners to transform themselves, their communities and the world – to be the best they can be by unlocking their potential and discovering their purpose,” Professors Lloyd and Høj said.

Furthermore, Adelaide University will combine the immense research capabilities and expansive industry partnerships of its founding institutions. Partnered with communities, Adelaide University will conduct outstanding future-making research of scale and focus to further innovation and grow the economy as well as embedding industry and research informed learning in every degree whilst enabling rich work integrated learning experiences.

More than 3,000 staff from the University of Adelaide and the University of South Australia came together this morning for a landmark event at the Adelaide Convention Centre, where they celebrated the achievements and legacies of their current institutions and the exciting new chapter ahead.

“We’re looking forward to unveiling the institution’s Aboriginal name in due course, as the first university in Australia to include this provision in its founding legislation,” the co-Vice Chancellors said.

On inception, Adelaide University will be the largest domestic educator of students in Australia. It aims to be a university of choice for Aboriginal students and staff and is expected to graduate more students from low socio-economic backgrounds than any other higher education institution in Australia. It will also be one of the nation’s top five educators of regional and rural students.

Modelling suggests that Adelaide University’s activities will contribute an estimated A$4.7 billion per year to the Australian economy.

The University of South Australia and the University of Adelaide will continue to serve their communities through 2024 and 2025 and maintain necessary functions into 2026 to support the transition.

Comments from the South Australian Acting Premier, Susan Close:

“South Australia’s new Adelaide University will forever transform education, research and innovation outcomes in our State, along with boosting economic opportunities and prosperity.

“I congratulate the University of Adelaide and the University of South Australia on today’s launch, and its progress towards amplifying world-class educational excellence and equity and creating a leading global university with bold ambitions for South Australia and beyond.”

Comments from the Federal Minister for Education, Jason Clare:

“Congratulations to the Vice-Chancellors, staff and students on taking the next steps in creating the new Adelaide University.

“This new university will draw on the existing strengths of the University of Adelaide and the University of South Australia.

“It will be a powerhouse of research and a beacon for both domestic and international students.”

Comments from Group of Eight Chief Executive, Vicki Thomson:

“The creation of Adelaide University will deliver far-reaching benefits for Australia’s research and higher education. South Australia and the new Adelaide University will be key factors in the nation’s push to accelerate the energy transition and to enhance our sovereign capabilities in an increasingly challenging geopolitical environment. This requires a powerhouse research and education presence, and the merger of the University of Adelaide and University of South Australia will create quality at the scale needed.

“Adelaide University will have more resources to deliver the education, skilled workforce and research South Australia and indeed Australia needs to underpin economic growth and social cohesion.

“The Group of Eight comprising Australia’s research-intensive universities – all top 100 universities and world leaders in research and innovation – looks forward to welcoming Adelaide University as a member of the Go8.”

Comments from StudyAdelaide Chief Executive, Jane Johnston:

“The new Adelaide University responds to the contemporary needs of students and industry and will grow the global awareness and competitiveness of Adelaide, as a world-class study destination.

“It further positions our state’s ability to attract the best and brightest students from around the world and create an influential and globally connected alumni network for domestic and international students alike.”
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