Earlier this year in February we reported that Salman Khan and Aamir Khan were in talks for the remake of the Spanish film Campeones. As per reports, Aamir had approached Salman to feature as the lead in the Hindi adaptation titled Champions. In fact, it was also revealed that an official announcement on the same was to be made in March. However, since then there has been no development on the project. Now, we hear that Salman Khan has opted out of the remake, following which Aamir Khan has now approached Ranbir Kapoor for the film.
An industry source says, “Salman Khan was pretty keen on doing the Campeones remake. However, there were certain date issues which arose, due to which the actor had to back out of the venture.” As per the source, everything was moving in the right direction and Salman had shown active interest in the subject, with one final narration to be done before work on the project began in June. Unfortunately, following the narration, Salman realized that the film would clash with his other venture, because of which he decided to bow out of the RS Prasanna-directed sports drama.
As or the film, Champions which is an official remake of the Spanish film Campeones is directed by RS Prasanna with AKP bankrolling the venture. Expected to release in 2024 the final timelines will be decided only once the paperwork is done.
An industry source says, “Salman Khan was pretty keen on doing the Campeones remake. However, there were certain date issues which arose, due to which the actor had to back out of the venture.” As per the source, everything was moving in the right direction and Salman had shown active interest in the subject, with one final narration to be done before work on the project began in June. Unfortunately, following the narration, Salman realized that the film would clash with his other venture, because of which he decided to bow out of the RS Prasanna-directed sports drama.
As or the film, Champions which is an official remake of the Spanish film Campeones is directed by RS Prasanna with AKP bankrolling the venture. Expected to release in 2024 the final timelines will be decided only once the paperwork is done.