7 Great Narrative Lesson Plans Students and Teachers Love



Narrative writing is a crucial skill for young learners, as it helps them develop their creativity, communication, and storytelling abilities. Having captivating narrative lesson plans in place can not only keep the students engaged but also foster their love for writing. Teachers can use these seven great narrative lesson plans to inspire creativity and bring out the best in their students.

1. Exploring Personal Narratives:

This lesson plan introduces personal narratives by examining various short stories and personal essays. After reading several examples, students will be encouraged to share their own life experiences and write a personal narrative. Through peer feedback and teacher guidance, students will learn to create a compelling story with an engaging narrative.

2. Sensory Detail Exploration:

To enhance the vividness of writing, this lesson plan focuses on incorporating sensory details into narratives. Students will participate in various sensory activities to understand how descriptive language can impact their storytelling. They will then practice using sensory details in their writing to create more immersive narratives.

3. Creating Characters:

Characters are at the heart of any great narrative. In this lesson plan, students will explore various techniques to create unique and memorable characters by analyzing examples from literature and other media forms. Utilizing character profiles and brainstorming sessions, learners will develop their own characters who will feature prominently in their stories.

4. Show, Don’t Tell:

Teaching students how to “show” rather than “tell” in their narratives is essential for making stories come alive. This lesson involves studying examples and participating in class discussions that illuminate this particular writing technique. Students will then put this into practice by rewriting sections of their narratives that need more “showing” than “telling.”

5. Crafting Dialogue:

Dialogue can make or break a story; hence mastering how to write dialogue effectively is vital for any narrative writer. This lesson covers basic punctuation rules, dialogue tags, keeping conversations natural, and building character through dialogue. Students will practice writing and revising dialogue-driven scenes to improve their understanding and application.

6. Plot Structure and Pacing:

To write a compelling narrative, students must learn the art of structuring their story and maintaining appropriate pacing. This lesson dives into the elements of a plot, common structures, and pacing techniques. By mapping out their stories, students will gain a better understanding of how to develop engaging narratives that maintain a reader’s interest.

7. Editing and Revising:

The final step is all about refining the narrative through editing and revising. Using teacher guidance, checklists, and peer reviews, students will go through multiple drafts of their narratives to reach polished, best versions. Lessons on grammar, punctuation, and eliminating wordiness will aid in producing more professional narratives.


As both teachers and students embark on this journey through narrative writing, these seven lesson plans provide a foundation for success. By exploring various aspects of narratives – from personal stories to character development and plot structures – budding writers can cultivate captivating storytelling techniques that inspire readers, one tale at a time.

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