5 Questions I’m Not Going to Ask My Students About Their Winter Break


As a teacher, I know that when students return from winter break, they’re often bombarded with questions about their time off. However, it’s important to be mindful of what questions we ask to create an inclusive and comfortable classroom environment. Here are five questions I’ve chosen not to ask my students about their winter break – and why.

1. “Did you go on any vacations?”

Traveling during the winter break is a luxury that not all families can afford. By asking this question, we might inadvertently make those who didn’t travel feel left out or less fortunate. Instead of asking about vacations, try engaging the students in a conversation about something new or interesting they learned over the break.

2. “What gifts did you receive?”

This question assumes that all students celebrate holidays with gifts, which is not always the case. Some families may have different traditions or may not celebrate at all. To foster inclusivity, steer clear of this question and focus on asking about students’ favorite moments from their break instead.

3. “Did you spend time with your family?”

While this question may seem innocent, it can be sensitive for some students who have difficult family situations or are separated from their loved ones. Instead of prying into their personal lives, consider asking a more general question like, “What was the highlight of your winter break?”

4. “Did you do anything special for the holidays?”

Holidays are celebrated differently across cultures and religions. By assuming all students observed a specific holiday in a traditional way, we might exclude those who don’t celebrate them or who do so in a different way. A better option would be to ask, “Did you engage in any fun activities during your time off?”

5. “How did you celebrate New Year’s Eve?”

Not all cultures celebrate New Year’s Eve on December 31st or in the same way, so asking this question could alienate some students. As an alternative, ask students about any personal or academic goals they’ve set for themselves in the new year.

In conclusion, it’s essential to be mindful of the questions we ask our students after winter break. Focusing on inclusivity and understanding will help create a more positive and supportive learning environment for everyone.

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