3+14 Pi Jokes for Kids on Pi Day!



On Pi Day, celebrated on March 14th (3/14), math enthusiasts around the world come together to appreciate the mathematical constant known as Pi (π). The symbol represents the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter, approximately equal to 3.14159. For kids and grown-ups alike, sharing Pi jokes adds an extra layer of fun and excitement to this day. So, gather around and get ready to laugh your math socks off with these 17 hilarious Pi jokes suitable for kids!

1. Why don’t mathematicians ever tire of talking about pi?

– Because it just goes on and on!

2. What holiday do pi enthusiasts enjoy most besides Thanksgiving?

– “Pi-neer” Day!

3. What do you call a catchy tune about pi?

– A π-thm!

4. Why was the math book sad?

– It had too many problems, including those with pi involved.

5. How do you start an argument about pi at a party?

– Give them a piece of your mind by saying “Pie ARE square!”

6. Why was the circle unable to graduate from high school?

– It just couldn’t complete its π credits.

7. Which number is the fastest – π or e?

– Look at π – it’s always running in circles!

8. Why did Pi take karate lessons?

– To protect itself from being squared away.

9. What is a math lover’s favorite dessert on Pi Day?

– A slice of π, with a side of non-repeating decimals whipped cream.

10. What do you call a snake that is addicted to pi?

– A π-thon.

11. Why don’t classrooms have circular walls?

– Too many students walk into class looking for the longest corner to sit in.

12. How can you determine the taste of pi?

– By capturing its flavor in 3.14 bites.

13. What do you get when you cut a jack-o’-lantern by π?

– A pumpkin π.

14. Why did the circle go to college?

– To earn its 3.142-stential degree!

15. Why can’t pie be the only dessert served at a mathematician’s party?

– Because then it would just be pi-ractical!

16. What’s a math scientist’s favorite dance?

– The Pi-rate Jig.

17. What do you call it when two friends share a pie together on Pi Day?

– A heartwarming piece of π-dnity.


Pi Day is all about celebrating the beauty of mathematics and the constant that has intrigued us throughout history. These 17 hilarious Pi jokes will help kids and grown-ups alike enjoy the day with laughter, while also learning more about this fascinating and never-ending number. So, remember to laugh, eat some pie, and celebrate your love for mathematics on the next Pi Day!

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