23 All About Me Activities For Middle Schoolers



Middle school is an exciting and transitional time for students. It’s a period where they’re discovering more about themselves, exploring new interests, and building connections with their peers. One way to help middle schoolers navigate this challenging stage is by engaging them in ‘All About Me’ activities that encourage self-expression, self-reflection, and personal growth. Here are 23 fun and interactive activities for middle schoolers to explore and learn more about themselves.

1. Autobiographical Collage: Have students create collages using pictures, quotes, and symbols that represent who they are.

2. Time Capsule: Students can create individual time capsules filled with personal artifacts, letters to their future selves, and predictions about the future.

3. Identity Wheel: Create a visual representation of personal identity categories such as race, religion, gender, hobbies, and values.

4. My Life in 7 Words: Challenge students to sum up their lives in just seven words.

5. Personal Coat of Arms: Design a coat of arms that represents family traditions, values, and individual characteristics.

6. Self-Portrait Art Project: Encourage creativity through drawing or painting a self-portrait.

7. Six-Word Memoir: Write a memoir using only six words to describe significant life experiences or lessons learned.

8. Letters From My Future Self: Students write letters from their future selves to provide advice or encouragement.

9. Family Tree Project: Research genealogy to better understand family history and connections.

10. Vision Board: Create a collage of images representing personal aspirations and goals for the future.

11. Personality Tests: Take online personality tests such as Myers-Briggs Type Indicator or Enneagram to gain insights into individual strengths and weaknesses.

12. Bucket List Creation: Compile personal lists of things to accomplish in a lifetime.

13. Values Exercise: Identify core values and discuss how they inform daily decision-making and life choices.

14. Strengths Inventory: List personal strengths and reflect on how they contribute to success.

15. Life Timeline: Construct a visual timeline of significant life events.

16. Interview With Myself: Write and answer interview questions about personal achievements, historical events witnessed, and life philosophies.

17. A Day in the Life: Document a typical day to uncover routines, preferences, and unique experiences.

18. Comic Strips: Create comic strips depicting everyday situations or important life events, showcasing personal reactions and emotions.

19. Random Acts of Kindness: Perform acts of kindness individually or as a group to foster empathy and compassion.

20. Active Listening Exercises: Work on communication skills by partnering up to share personal stories while practicing active listening techniques.

21. Role Models: Identify role models or mentors who have influenced personal development.

22. Personal Soundtrack: Curate a playlist of songs that represent various aspects of individual identity, life experiences, and passions.

23. Gratitude Journaling: Reflect on daily moments of gratitude to cultivate positivity and appreciation for life’s blessings.


Engaging in these ‘All About Me’ activities can help middle schoolers better understand themselves, appreciate their own uniqueness, and improve their self-awareness. By providing opportunities for introspection, creativity, and connection with peers, educators can empower students during this crucial developmental stage in their lives.

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