20 Kiddie Pool Games Sure to Splash up Some Fun



Summer is here, and there’s no better way to keep your kids entertained and cool than with fun kiddie pool games. These 20 games are sure to make a splash, providing endless hours of entertainment for your little ones.

1. Water Balloon Toss: Fill up some small water balloons, and have kids toss them back and forth. They’ll love trying to catch the slippery balloons without letting them burst.

2. Duck, Duck, Splash: A twist on the classic Duck, Duck, Goose game—instead of tapping heads, use a small cup of water to sprinkle on the chosen child before running around the pool.

3. Pool Noodle Race: Have children sit on pool noodles like horses and race across the pool.

4. Submarine Race: Kids take deep breaths and try to swim underwater from one end of the pool to the other.

5. Water Relay: Divide players into two teams and have them fill up cups from the pool before running to an empty bucket and pouring it in. The team that fills their bucket first wins!

6. Marco Polo: A classic pool game! One child yells “Marco!” while others respond “Polo!” as they try to avoid getting tagged.

7. SpongeBob Squeeze: Kids pass a large wet sponge around using only their feet—the goal is not to let it touch the bottom.

8. Fishing for Toys: Scatter small toys throughout the pool and have your little fishers catch them using only their feet.

9. Water Gun Showdown: Equip each child with a water gun for a refreshing water fight in the kiddie pool!

10. Pool Volleyball: Use a beach ball or an inflatable volleyball for this fun group game.

11. Whirlpool Race: Have children form a circle in the pool and move around quickly to create a whirlpool effect before releasing a small toy or rubber duck to see how fast it circles the pool.

12. Bobbing for Apples: Place apples in the pool and challenge kids to grab them using only their mouths.

13. Alphabet Splash: Float foam letters in the pool and have children try to create words by collecting them in a bucket.

14. Pool Noodle Limbo: Hold a pool noodle horizontally and have kids take turns trying to go under it without touching it or falling into the water.

15. Watermelon Push Relay: Cut watermelons in half and give one to each team. They must push the watermelon across the pool without using their hands.

16. Blowing Bubbles Contest: Give each child a straw and some bubble solution and see who can create the biggest bubbles.

17. Frozen T-shirt Race: Freeze small t-shirts in plastic bags overnight, then let the kids race to see who can get their frozen shirt on first!

18. Ice Cube Hunt: Scatter ice cubes around the kiddie pool and task children with collecting as many as possible before they melt.

19. Floating Obstacle Course: Set up floating toys or pool noodles to create an obstacle course for kids to navigate through while swimming.

20. Musical Floats: Like musical chairs, but with floating pool toys! When the music stops, kids must quickly find a float to hold on to.


With these 20 clever kiddie pool games, you’ll turn your backyard into an exciting water park for your children this summer! Just remember always to provide adult supervision and keep safety in mind as they splash and play. Happy splashing!

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