20 Helpful Brainstorming Activities



Brainstorming is an essential skill for individuals and teams looking to generate innovative ideas and solutions. It is a process where individuals come together to share and discuss ideas openly, sparking new connections and building on each other’s perspectives. To help you unleash your creativity and stimulate fresh thinking, here are 20 helpful brainstorming activities.

1. Mind Mapping – This visual technique encourages the free flow of ideas by organizing words, images, and phrases around a central concept or topic.

2. Brainwriting – Individuals write down ideas on cards or sticky notes anonymously and then share them with the group for discussion.

3. SCAMPER – This acronym stands for Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to Another Use, Eliminate, and Reverse. Use this method to challenge assumptions and come up with unique ways to improve a product or service.

4. Picture Association – Individuals draw or select pictures related to the topic at hand and let their imagination go wild in determining potential connections between the images.

5. Forced Connections – Select two unrelated items or topics and try to create a link between them with an innovative new idea.

6. Starbursting – Generate open-ended “what if” questions around the central topic to expand thinking possibilities further.

7. Rapid Ideation – Set a short time limit (from 60 seconds to 5 minutes) for your team to generate as many ideas as possible about a given subject.

8. Round-Robin Brainstorming – Group members take turns sharing their ideas verbally until every person has contributed at least once.

9. The Six Thinking Hats – Developed by Edward de Bono, this technique encourages you to view a problem from six different perspectives (facts, emotions, creativity, benefits, negatives, and control).

10. Rolestorming – Each team member adopts a persona or role during brainstorming (e.g., a customer, CEO, competitor, or historical figure) to encourage different viewpoints.

11. Morphological Matrix – Create a grid with categorized attributes or features and select one at random to focus on during brainstorming.

12. Idea Capsules – Divide your team into smaller groups and give each group 3-4 unrelated objects or ideas to generate potential concepts.

13. Triggered Brainwalking – Group participants walk around a room with multiple sheets of paper or sticky notes, adding their thoughts or building upon others’ ideas as they go along.

14. Speed Networking – Have individuals pair up for a brief discussion (like speed dating), then switch partners to maximize the exchange of ideas.

15. Worst Possible Idea – Encourage participants to brainstorm the worst possible solutions to trigger humorous discussions that lead to better ideas.

16. Challenge Assumptions – Analyze common assumptions around the problem and devise alternative approaches that break existing paradigms.

17. The Random Word Technique – Select a random word from a dictionary and use it as inspiration for generating new ideas related to the main topic.

18. Cross-Pollination – Combine different departments or areas of expertise within your organization for a comprehensive brainstorming session to come up with unique solutions.

19. Fishbone Diagram – Also known as Ishikawa Diagram, this technique identifies root causes of problems to guide discussions more effectively.

20. The Five Whys – Encourage deep thinking by asking “why” multiple times to get to the root cause of a problem and find creative solutions.


Using these brainstorming activities can inspire creativity, enhance teamwork dynamics, and elevate innovative thinking within your organization or personal life. Implement these techniques in your next brainstorming session and watch your ideas flourish!

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