20 Fun Weather Activities for Middle School Students



Weather is a fascinating subject that offers endless opportunities for learning and exploration for middle school students. Whether it’s observing the clouds, predicting rainfall, or conducting experiments, engaging weather-based activities can significantly contribute to the development of their critical thinking and analytical skills. Here’s a compilation of 20 fun weather activities that will boost the enthusiasm and interest of your middle schoolers.

1. Weather Forecasting Game: Students predict the weather for the next day and mark their predictions on a class weather chart.

2. Create Your Own Weather Instruments: Challenge students to design and build basic weather measuring tools such as an anemometer or barometer using common household items.

3. Cloud Observations: Have students observe cloud formations, record their observations, and then research different types of clouds to improve their understanding.

4. Weather Scavenger Hunt: Organize a scavenger hunt where students must find examples of all types of weather such as sunny, cloudy, windy, rainy, etc.

5. Extreme Weather Research Project: Students research extreme weather events like tornadoes, hurricanes, and snowstorms, and then present their findings to the class.

6. Explore Microclimates: Visit different areas of the school grounds to investigate varying temperatures and microclimates.

7. Raindrop Races: After a rainfall, students compete in teams to see whose raindrop can travel the furthest down a window or surface.

8. Wind Strength Experiment: By releasing bubbles into the air, students measure wind strength based on how long it takes for the bubbles to pop.

9. Make Your Own Cloud in a Bottle: Using water, rubbing alcohol, and a bicycle pump, create your own cloud inside a clear bottle in this DIY experiment.

10. Design a Weather App: Have students design an innovative weather app by brainstorming features they would find most helpful when checking forecasts.

11. Create a Weather Journal: Implement journaling for a week as students record daily weather observations, patterns, and anomalies they notice.

12. Meteorology Debate: Hold a classroom debate discussing the importance of meteorology to society.

13. Weather Charades: Using weather terms and concepts, play charades to solidify students’ understanding of weather vocabulary.

14. Track the Path of a Storm: Using online meteorological databases, explore the path of a past storm or hurricane and how it affected various regions.

15. DIY Evaporation Experiment: Students measure the evaporation rate of water by leaving out cups with different amounts of water and recording the changes over time.

16. Tornado in a Jar: Build a tornado in a jar by swirling water in a circular motion using soap to create an engaging visual display of vortex behavior.

17. Weather Jeopardy!: Test your students’ knowledge of weather-related trivia by organizing an exciting game of jeopardy!

18. Weather-Related Creative Writing Prompts: Encourage students to compose fictional stories featuring extreme weather events or challenges they overcome on their journey.

19. Design Emergency Preparedness Plans: Have your students work together to create emergency plans for various weather scenarios like tornadoes or flash floods.

20. Climate Change Research: Invite your middle schoolers to research how climate change affects global weather patterns and discuss ways we can combat these changes to preserve our environment.


While studying weather may at times seem abstract to middle school students, these activities will undoubtedly make it both educational and enjoyable. By immersing themselves in hands-on experiments, playful games, and thought-provoking projects, your learners will gain a deeper understanding of weather concepts while developing vital skills for future success. So go ahead, let teachers inspire students with these exciting activities!

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