20 Fun and Inventive Games for Six-Year-Olds



Keeping six-year-olds entertained can be a bit of a challenge at times. With their boundless energy and curious minds, finding games that engage and challenge them is key. Here’s a list of 20 fun and inventive games that are perfect for six-year-olds.

1. Freeze Dance – Play music and have the kids dance around. When the music stops, they must freeze in their position. If anyone moves, they’re out.

2. Musical Chairs – Set up chairs in a circle, with one less chair than the number of children playing. As music plays, the children walk around the chairs, and when it stops, they must quickly find a seat.

3. Simon Says – One player acts as “Simon” and gives commands to the other players. They should only follow commands if “Simon says” precedes it.

4. Obstacle Course – Set up a simple indoor or outdoor obstacle course using household items such as pillows or cones.

5. Red Light, Green Light – One child is the traffic light while others stand at a starting line. If the traffic light shouts “green light,” the kids move forward; if they shout “red light,” everyone freezes.

6. Hide and Seek – A classic game where one person counts while others hide, then searches for them all.

7. Duck, Duck, Goose – Kids sit in a circle while one walks around tapping heads saying “duck” until choosing someone as the “goose.” That person must chase and tag them before they take their seat.

8. Treasure Hunt – Create a treasure hunt with clues leading to different locations with hidden prizes.

9. Hot Potato – Pass an object like a ball around in a circle while music plays; when it stops, whoever has the ball is out.

10. Leapfrog – In this outdoor game, kids take turns bending down and leaping over one another.

11. Hopscotch – Draw a hopscotch board with chalk and have kids take turns hopping through the numbered squares using a marker.

12. House of Cards – Provide some playing cards and encourage children to build a house of cards without it falling.

13. Charades – Kids take turns acting out words or phrases for their team to guess without speaking.

14. Follow the Leader – One child is the leader, and the others follow, attempting to mimic their actions.

15. Hula Hoop Contest – Kids take turns hula hooping until they drop it; whoever keeps it going longest wins.

16. Memory Game – Create a grid of face-down cards with matching pairs, then have children flip them two at a time to find matches.

17. Indoor Bowling – Set up empty water bottles as pins and use a soft ball for indoor bowling fun.

18. Twister – Play the classic game of Twister, which promotes balance and flexibility while having fun.

19. Balloon Keep-Up – Everyone must keep a balloon in the air using only their hands; if it touches the ground, they’re out.

20. 20 Questions – One person thinks of an object or person, while others ask yes-or-no questions to figure out what they have in mind.


With these 20 fun and inventive games for six-year-olds, you can keep your child entertained, engaged, and active. Make sure to adapt activities for indoors or outdoors and include both physical and mental challenges to cater to every child’s interests and abilities.

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