20 Engaging Empathy Activities for Middle Schoolers



Empathy, a vital life skill, plays a crucial role in building strong and healthy relationships. Teaching middle schoolers empathy fosters their emotional intelligence and instills compassion for others. The following activities are designed to engage middle school students, encourage them to understand and share the feelings of others, and promote an accepting and supportive environment.

1. Role Swap: Have students swap roles with a classmate to gain insight into each other’s emotions, habits, and preferences.

2. Share a Story: Encourage students to share stories about moments when they felt empathy or when someone empathized with them.

3. Group Discussions: Facilitate group discussions on various real-life scenarios that evoke empathy and understanding.

4. Emotional Charades: Have students act out different emotions using facial expressions, body language, and gestures while others guess the emotion being portrayed.

5. Empathy Mapping Exercise: Guide students through creating empathy maps for different characters or individuals in varying situations.

6. Gratitude Journaling: Students maintain gratitude journals, documenting daily acts of kindness they have witnessed or experienced.

7. Peer Interviews: In pairs, students interview each other about personal experiences related to empathy for better comprehension and concurrence.

8. Sentence Starters: Provide sentence starters such as “I felt understood when…” or “I appreciated when…” and have students complete the statements to cultivate reflection on empathetic experiences.

9. Reading Emotions Exercise: Create flashcards with pictures of people displaying various emotions; have students identify the emotion depicted on each card.

10. Watch Movies/TV Shows: Have your class watch age-appropriate movies or TV shows that exemplify empathy themes for initiating discussions about situations displayed in this content.

11. Empathy Bracelets: Students create bracelets representing acts of kindness; they exchange these items with peers as tokens of their shared humanity.

12. Walk in Others’ Shoes: Students exchange shoes for a day with classmates and write about their experiences and gained insights from this symbolic gesture.

13. Classroom Meetings: Regularly host class meetings where students can openly discuss their feelings, challenges, and conflict-resolution strategies.

14. Acts of Kindness BINGO: Create a BINGO card featuring various acts of kindness. As students complete these actions, they mark off squares on their cards.

15. Partner Art Projects: Students collaborate on different art projects that promote themes of empathy and understanding.

16. Role-Playing Scenarios: Prepare scripts portraying everyday problems or conflicts that require empathy-based solutions and have the students participate in role-play activities.

17. Explore Cultural Differences: Have students research and present information about different cultures to foster understanding and respect for diversity within the class.

18. Book Clubs: Organize book clubs across the school year where students read literature based on empathy-related themes, enhancing their emotional intelligence.

19. Empathy Points Game: Students earn points for empathetic behaviors displayed throughout the school day, offering an incentive for actively practicing these skills.

20. Volunteering Services: Encourage students to participate in volunteering opportunities, connecting them with people or issues requiring empathy firsthand.


Incorporating engaging empathy activities into the middle school curriculum promotes a more compassionate classroom environment. By fostering empathy, students develop critical life skills that help create successful, emotionally intelligent individuals prepared to navigate life’s challenges with kindness and understanding.

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