17 Example Resume Ideas for High School Students


In today’s competitive job market, having a well-crafted resume is essential for high school students seeking part-time work, internships, or even preparing for college applications. Here are 17 example resume ideas to help high school students stand out from the crowd and showcase their skills, experiences, and achievements.

1. Start with a strong objective: A clear and concise objective statement showcases your career goals while highlighting the value you bring to potential employers.

2. Highlight academic achievements: Include your GPA (if it’s above 3.0), honor roll status, or any academic awards received to demonstrate your dedication and hard work in school.

3. Showcase relevant coursework: List any classes related to the field you’re interested in, such as business courses for a retail job or art courses for a design internship.

4. Detail extracurricular activities: Include clubs, sports teams, or other school-related activities in which you’ve participated to show your well-rounded interests and commitment.

5. Emphasize leadership experience: Mention any leadership roles you’ve held in school organizations to demonstrate your capacity to take initiative and manage responsibilities.

6. Feature volunteer work: Volunteering demonstrates your community involvement and commitment to helping others; always include this experience on your resume.

7. Note certifications: If you’ve earned any certifications related to the position you’re applying for (e.g., first aid/CPR certification), be sure to mention them.

8. Describe part-time jobs or internships: List any previous job experiences that may be applicable and highlight transferable skills such as teamwork, customer service, or problem-solving.

9. Create a skills section: List technical skills (e.g., Microsoft Office) or soft skills (e.g., communication) relevant to the position at hand.

10. Include language proficiency: If you’re fluent in another language besides English, mention it on your resume to emphasize your cultural adaptability.

11. Feature your hobbies and interests: Sharing your passions can help potential employers identify with you on a personal level.

12. Quantify your achievements: Use numbers to show the impact of your accomplishments, such as the number of hours volunteered or the amount of money raised in a fundraiser.

13. Utilize action verbs: Words like “led,” “coordinated,” and “achieved” showcase your initiative and drive.

14. Include relevant social media profiles: Your LinkedIn profile, or even a professional blog or website, can provide additional details about your accomplishments and interests.

15. Seek references or include a recommendations section: If you have teachers, mentors, or previous employers who can speak to your skills and character, include their contact information.

16. Keep it concise: Aim for a one-page resume that is easy to read and straightforward.

17. Proofread and edit: Always check for spelling and grammatical errors to ensure that your resume is polished and professional.

Remember that high school students may have limited work experience, but there’s plenty of other information to include on a resume. Showcase your strengths, achievements, and dedication to success by crafting a well-rounded resume that reflects who you are and what you have to offer future employers or college admissions committees.

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