15 Activities On Courage For Elementary Students


Teaching courage to elementary students is crucial as it helps them face the challenges and adversity throughout their lives. Here are 15 activities that help instill courage in young children.

1. Personal Hero Collage: Ask students to create a collage of their favorite personal heroes and discuss why they admire them for their courage.

2. Role-Playing Situations: Have students role-play scenarios where they must exhibit courage, such as standing up to a bully or helping someone in need.

3. Write a Courageous Letter: Encourage students to write a letter to someone who has shown courage, expressing their admiration.

4. Create a Courage Jar: Keep a jar in the classroom, where students can contribute notes about their courageous actions or instances of bravery they’ve witnessed throughout the day.

5. Read Books on Courage: Select age-appropriate books on courage that will inspire and teach children about the value of bravery.

6. Brave Character Traits Chart: Create a chart featuring various brave character traits and discuss with students how they can develop these traits themselves.

7. Courage Interviews: Have students interview classmates, family members, or teachers about moments when they needed to be brave.

8. ‘I am Brave’ Activity: Have children create posters or drawings showcasing moments when they felt courageous, and encourage them to discuss these moments with the class.

9. Develop a Classroom Code of Conduct: Collaborate with students to develop a classroom code of conduct that promotes courage and respect among peers.

10. Watch Inspiring Movies: Show films that display acts of courage, followed by discussions on the characters’ brave actions and how this inspired the class.

11. Create Plays on Courage: Have students work in teams to create skits depicting their understanding of courage through different situations or scenarios.

12. The Courage Quiz: Conduct a quiz related to famous courageous acts in history or from fictional stories, testing the class’ knowledge on the topic.

13. Design a Courage Award: Task students with designing an award for courage that could be presented to their peers or characters from books and movies.

14. The ‘What If’ Challenge: Pose hypothetical scenarios to students, prompting them to think critically about how they would respond with courage in those situations.

15. Music and Courage: Play songs related to bravery and discuss how the lyrics inspire courage. Have students create their own courageous anthems as well.

These activities offer a variety of ways for elementary students to understand, discuss, and embody the concept of courage, setting them up for stronger resilience and increased empathy as they grow.

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