10 Things Teachers Think During Staff Meetings (But Don’t Say)


Every teacher has sat through staff meetings that seem to go on forever. Whether it’s discussing mundane administrative tasks or brainstorming teaching strategies, there are often thoughts that cross their minds but don’t necessarily get shared aloud. Here’s a peek into those unspoken musings.

1. “Why is this meeting so long?”

It’s no secret that staff meetings can drag on for hours. Teachers often wonder why there isn’t a more efficient way to share information or if all these discussions could have been condensed into an email.

2. “Can we discuss something relevant to my subject or grade level?”

During staff meetings, educators often wish they could contribute more to the conversation by discussing topics that specifically impact their subject area or grade level. A one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t always lead to productive discussions.

3. “I really need to grade those exams.”

While sitting in lengthy staff meetings, teachers may be reminded of the growing piles of ungraded tests and assignments awaiting their attention back in the classroom.

4. “Why didn’t anyone tell me what we were discussing beforehand?”

Sometimes, teachers find themselves attending meetings without a clear understanding of what’s on the agenda. This can lead to frustration, as they aren’t able to mentally prepare or contribute meaningfully to the conversation.

5. “There have to be snacks, right?”

Teachers may secretly hope for refreshments at staff meetings, knowing that a little food can go a long way in boosting morale and fostering camaraderie among colleagues.

6. “Not another PowerPoint presentation…”

While PowerPoint presentations can be useful tools for sharing information, teachers might grimace at the thought of sitting through yet another lengthy slide show full of text and graphs they’ve likely seen before.

7. “I wonder what my students are up to.”

During staff meetings, teachers’ thoughts often turn toward their students—whether they’re worrying about their progress, contemplating lesson plans, or simply missing the classroom environment.

8. “This could have been an email.”

In some cases, staff meetings may cover only a few key points that could have been communicated just as effectively through email. Teachers can’t help but wonder if a simple email would’ve saved them time and energy.

9. “Why are we still talking about this?”

Teachers may find themselves questioning the need for lengthy debates or repetitive discussions on a topic that seems to have been exhausted.

10. “I really need to use the restroom, but I don’t want to miss anything important.”

Finally, one of the most common thoughts during staff meetings is the inevitable call of nature. Teachers often feel torn between stepping out for a quick break and potentially missing out on crucial information.

These inner thoughts may be universal to teachers during staff meetings, but they typically go unspoken in favor of maintaining a professional atmosphere. Nevertheless, it’s worth considering how to streamline meetings and address educators’ concerns in order to promote a more effective and enjoyable experience for all involved.

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