10 Social Media Do’s and Don’ts for Principals


In today’s digital age, social media has become an indispensable way for principals to connect with their school community, share information, and showcase their work. However, embracing social media also comes with responsibilities and potential pitfalls. To help principals navigate the world of social media effectively, we have compiled a list of 10 do’s and don’ts.

1. DO create separate professional and personal social media accounts.

Establishing a professional account separate from your personal one helps maintain a boundary between work-related matters and private life. Use your professional account to share school events, accomplishments, and educational resources.

2. DON’T engage in arguments or respond to negative comments.

Social media can be a breeding ground for negativity and controversy. As a principal, it’s important to remain professional at all times. Ignore negative comments and refrain from engaging in heated debates.

3. DO verify information before sharing.

Sharing inaccurate or false information can undermine your credibility as a principal and leader within your school community. Always verify the accuracy of information before sharing it on social media.

4. DON’T post overly personal information.

While some degree of personality adds authenticity to your online presence, avoid posting excessively personal details on your professional account. Keep your posts focused on educational topics, school achievements, and relevant happenings in the school community.

5. DO follow other education professionals and organizations.

Building connections with other education professionals online can help you grow your network and access valuable resources. Following reputable institutions, fellow principals, teachers, and education influencers helps enrich your news feed and offers potential collaboration opportunities.

6. DON’T overshare or flood your followers’ feeds.

While it’s important to maintain an active presence on social media platforms, overposting can overwhelm your followers’ feeds. Share essential updates about school events or academic achievements without inundating them daily.

7. DO use appropriate language at all times.

Ensure your language is professional and respectful in all your online communications. Avoid using profanity, sarcastic comments, or controversial language that could be misinterpreted or offend someone.

8. DON’T publish sensitive information about students or staff.

As a principal, it’s essential to protect the privacy of your students and faculty. Refrain from posting photos or information about students without parental consent and never share confidential staff information on public platforms.

9. DO engage with your school community.

Social media platforms offer opportunities for two-way communication. Interact with parents, teachers, and students by responding genuinely to their questions, comments, and concerns in a timely manner. Your engagement extends beyond the school day, fostering stronger connections within the community.

10. DON’T rely solely on social media for communication.

While social media can be an effective tool for communicating with your school community, it’s crucial not to abandon traditional communication channels entirely. Continue sending newsletters, organizing parent-teacher conferences, and utilizing various methods to keep stakeholders informed.

By following these do’s and don’ts of social media usage for principals, you can maintain a strong online presence while safeguarding your reputation and nurturing relationships within your school community.

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