10 Inclusion-Based Activities for Students



Inclusion is an important aspect of education that promotes diversity and ensures that every student feels welcome and included in the learning environment. Educators must incorporate inclusion-based activities into their lesson plans to foster a sense of belonging among students. Here is a list of ten inclusion-based activities that can help to create an inclusive classroom experience for students.

1. Circle Time:

Circle time is a group activity where students gather in a circle, and each person takes turns sharing their thoughts, feelings, or experiences. This activity enables everyone in the class to speak and listen, promoting empathy and understanding among diverse students.

2. Collaborative Jigsaw:

Divide the class into groups of four or five students. Assign different parts of a lesson or project to each group. Once the groups have completed their work, they take turns presenting their sections to the whole class. This activity encourages teamwork and appreciation for the skills and expertise of others.

3. Buddy System:

Pair up students with different backgrounds, interests, or abilities, encouraging them to work together on various tasks and assignments. This interaction helps break down barriers and fosters meaningful connections among diverse learners.

4. Interest Surveys:

Distribute personal interest surveys at the beginning of the school year to gain insight into student hobbies, languages spoken at home, cultural backgrounds, etc. Use this information to design lessons and group activities that celebrate diversity within your classroom.

5. Show and Tell:

Organize a ‘Show and Tell’ day where students bring in an item that represents their family heritage or culture, such as traditional clothing, recipes, or artifacts. This activity gives everyone a chance to learn about the rich histories of their classmates while promoting cultural acceptance.

6. Bias Awareness Games:

Use games like ‘Guess Who’ or ‘Fact or Fiction’ to encourage discussions about stereotypes and biases among students. These conversations can help create awareness about the importance of avoiding assumptions and embracing diversity.

7. Global Pen Pals:

Pair your students with pen pals from different countries or cultural backgrounds. This correspondence can help teach students about other cultures, languages, and perspectives, fostering understanding and empathy across various regions.

8. Community Service Projects:

Organize a community service project that involves working with people from diverse backgrounds, such as a neighborhood clean-up or volunteering at a local non-profit organization. This experience can help build connections between your students and the larger community they belong to.

9. Multicultural Book Clubs:

Create a multicultural book club that encourages students to read about and discuss characters from various cultural backgrounds. This activity can foster empathy and understanding while increasing reading skills.

10. Inclusive Classroom Decorations:

Decorate your classroom with educational materials, posters, and artwork that reflect the diverse cultures, religions, and languages of your students. This promotes an inclusive environment where everyone feels represented and valued.


Fostering an inclusive learning environment is crucial to ensuring that all students feel valued and respected. By implementing these ten inclusion-based activities in your classroom, you can create a more welcoming space for your diverse learners while promoting understanding and unity among them.

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