10 Crazy Things People Say to Drama Teachers (and What to Say Back!)


1. “Anyone can do theater, you don’t need to teach it!”

Say back: “It’s true that everyone can benefit from theater, but mastering its techniques and understanding its complexities requires practice, guidance, and education.”

2. “Drama class is just about playing games and having fun.”

Say back: “While playing games and having fun are part of the process, they help build essential skills like teamwork, creativity, and problem-solving that are valuable in any career.”

3. “Isn’t drama just for kids who aren’t smart enough for other classes?”

Say back: “Absolutely not! Drama students learn a range of skills like critical thinking, self-expression, and empathy that are invaluable in today’s world.”

4. “You’re a drama teacher, so you must be really dramatic all the time!”

Say back: “It’s true that my job involves helping students express emotions and stories on stage. But off-stage, I’m just as down-to-earth as anyone else!”

5. “There’s no real job prospects for drama students, right?”

Say back: “Theater graduates often find success in acting, directing, production management, design, as well as various fields outside the arts because of their versatile skill set.”

6. “So you’re a drama teacher – you must have seen thousands of movies!”

Say back: “While I enjoy films, my focus is on live performance, which offers an entirely different experience compared to cinema.”

7. “Acting isn’t really a skill… it’s just pretending to be someone else!”

Say back: “True acting involves analyzing scripts, developing characters, mastering physical movement and vocal techniques; it’s far more complex than simply ‘pretending.'”

8. “Drama teachers spend their days reciting Shakespeare or doing group trust exercises.”

Say back: “While we do engage in some classic techniques and use famous texts, our work also involves writing, improvisation, technology integration, and much more.”

9. “I bet your students never feel stressed because they’re just having fun all day.”

Say back: “Although enjoyment is crucial in creating a thriving learning environment, our students face challenges that enhance personal growth and push their boundaries.”

10. “Drama is just an easy elective or an excuse for teens to slack off.”

Say back: “Drama courses teach essential life and work skills such as public speaking, collaboration, and self-confidence – making them valuable electives for any student.”

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