Union Minister Meenakshi Lekhi faced a flurry of media questions on Tuesday regarding the protest by wrestlers in Haridwar, who had initially planned to discard their medals into the river Ganga. However, Lekhi was seen evading the questions and swiftly moving away from the media. When pressed further, she responded by stating that the matter was undergoing legal proceedings.
A video capturing the union minister’s attempt to avoid the media quickly went viral on social media platforms. The Congress party seized the opportunity to mock her response, labeling it as a ‘sharp reaction’.
Prior to the media confrontation, Lekhi had attended an event where she inaugurated a toilet and water cooler in Delhi’s Connaught Place.
The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) also criticized Lekhi’s response, referring to her as a “shameless minister.”
Adding to the criticism, KTR tweeted, “I had heard of “Bhaag Milkha Bhaag” What is this? “Bhaag Mantri Bhaag”? When you have no answers, you can’t face the press or the public”
A video capturing the union minister’s attempt to avoid the media quickly went viral on social media platforms. The Congress party seized the opportunity to mock her response, labeling it as a ‘sharp reaction’.
Prior to the media confrontation, Lekhi had attended an event where she inaugurated a toilet and water cooler in Delhi’s Connaught Place.
I had heard of “Bhaag Milkha Bhaag”
What is this? “Bhaag Mantri Bhaag”?
When you have no answers, you can’t face the press or the public
The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) also criticized Lekhi’s response, referring to her as a “shameless minister.”
Adding to the criticism, KTR tweeted, “I had heard of “Bhaag Milkha Bhaag” What is this? “Bhaag Mantri Bhaag”? When you have no answers, you can’t face the press or the public”