The President presented 55 Padma Awards for the year 2023 at the 2nd Civil Investiture Ceremony at Rashtrapati Bhavan.



1. The President presented 55 Padma Awards for the year 2023 at the 2nd Civil Investiture Ceremony at Rashtrapati Bhavan.

President Draupadi Murmu presented 55 Padma Awards for the year 2023 at the second Civil Investiture Ceremony held at Rashtrapati Bhavan . Three Padma Vibhushan, five Padma Bhushan and 47 Padma Shri awards were given. ORS pioneer Dr. Dilip Mahalnabis and former Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mulayam Singh Yadav Was posthumously decorated with the Padma Vibhushan. Padma Bhushan was awarded to social worker Sudha Murthy, physicist Professor Deepak Dhar, Kannada litterateur Dr SL Bhairappa and spiritual leader Tridandi Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji. Renowned singer Vani Jayaram was awarded the Padma Bhushan posthumously. Music composer MM Keeravani, water conservationist Umashankar Pandey, mathematician Sujatha Ramadurai, teacher Anand Kumar and actress Raveena Tandon were among those awarded the Padma Shri. Social worker Gajanan Jagannath Mane, who dedicated his life to the rehabilitation of leprosy patients, and Ajay Kumar Mandvi, who worked for the rehabilitation of former Maoists through wood art, were also honored with the Padma Shri.

2. GI tag to wood carving art of Ladakh

प्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेन्द्र मोदी ने लद्दाख की लकड़ी पर नक्काशी कला को अपनी तरह के पहले जीआई टैग प्राप्त होने के लिए प्रसन्नता व्यक्त की है। इस उपलब्धि से लद्दाख की सांस्कृतिक परंपराएं और भी लोकप्रिय होंगी तथा इससे कारीगरों को काफी लाभ होगा। लद्दाख की लकड़ी की नक्काशी के लिए जीआई टैग चेन्नई में जीआई रजिस्ट्री द्वारा प्रदान किया गया है, जो जीआई अधिनियम, 1999 के तहत उत्पादों को पंजीकृत करने के लिए जिम्मेदार है। पंजीकरण यह सुनिश्चित करता है कि उत्पाद की एक विशिष्ट पहचान और मूल है, और इसे डुप्लिकेट या बेचा नहीं जा सकता है। लद्दाख की लकड़ी की नक्काशी अपने जटिल डिजाइन और अद्वितीय पैटर्न के लिए जानी जाती है, जो ज्यादातर बौद्ध विषयों और रूपांकनों से प्रेरित हैं। लकड़ी की नक्काशी स्थानीय लकड़ी जैसे विलो और खुबानी से बनाई जाती है, और इन्हें अक्सर दरवाजे, खिड़कियां और अन्य घरेलू सामानों को सजाने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है।

3. सरकार ने स्‍टैंडअप इंडिया योजना के अंतर्गत एक लाख अस्‍सी हजार से अधिक महिला उद्यमियों को 40,600 करोड रूपये से अधिक ऋण मंजूर किये

सरकार ने स्‍टैंडअप इंडिया स्‍कीम के अंतर्गत एक लाख अस्‍सी हजार से अधिक महिला उद्यमियों को चालीस हजार छह सौ करोड़ रुपये से अधिक के ऋण मंजूर किए हैं। स्‍टैंडअप इंडिया स्‍कीम की सातवीं वर्षगांठ के अवसर पर केन्‍द्रीय वित्‍तमंत्री निर्मला सीतारामन ने कहा कि यह गर्व और संतोष का विषय है कि इतनी बड़ी संख्‍या में महिला और अनुसूचित जाति‍ तथा अनुसूचित जनजाति‍ उद्यमियों ने ऋण प्राप्‍त किए। स्‍टैंडअप इंडिया स्‍कीम पांच अप्रैल 2016 को शुरू की गई थी इसका लक्ष्‍य महिलाओं, अनुसूचित जातियों और अनुसूचित जनजातियों के सदस्‍यों में उद्मशीलता को प्रोत्‍साहित करना है। इस योजना को वर्ष 2025 तक के लिए बढ़ा दिया गया है।

4. Government announces plans to add 50 GW of renewable energy capacity annually over the next 5 years, to achieve a target of 500 GW by 2030

The government has committed to add 50 GW renewable energy capacity annually for the next five years i.e. from FY 2023-24 to FY 2027-28. It has been decided to invite bids for These annual bids for renewable energy capacity linked to ISTS (Inter-State Transmission Line) will also include installation of wind power capacity of at least 10 GW per year. Union Minister for Power and NRE Shri R.K. The plan was finalized at a meeting of the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) chaired by Singh last week, which is in line with the Prime Minister’s announcement at COP26, in which he called for a transition to non-fossil fuels (renewable energy + nuclear) by 2030. There was talk of getting 500 GW installed power capacity from sources. Currently, India’s total renewable energy capacity is 168.96 GW (as on 28 February 2023), of which about 82 GW is under various stages of implementation, while about 41 GW is under tender stage. This includes 64.38 GW of solar power, 51.79 GW of hydro-electric power, 42.02 GW of wind power and 10.

5. Uttar Pradesh government will set up the UP Education Service Selection Commission for the appointment of teachers

The Uttar Pradesh government has decided to set up the Uttar Pradesh Education Service Selection Commission for the recruitment of teachers in the state . Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath gave instructions to set up an autonomous commission in a review meeting. The proposed commission will select teachers for primary, secondary, higher and technical colleges in the state. The new commission will also conduct the Uttar Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test. At present, different boards and commissions select teachers. The consolidated commission will select teachers for all levels.

6. Ministry of Information and Broadcasting and Amazon India have signed an agreement to promote the creative economy and talent of the country.

The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting and Amazon India have entered into a cooperation agreement in New Delhi to boost the country’s creative economy and talent. In this , Amazon Prime Video will sponsor scholarships, create internship programs and provide employment opportunities to students of the Film and Television Institute of India and Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute. International Film Festival of India award-winning films and international co-productions from India will be streamed on Amazon Prime Video. Amazon Prime Video and Mini TV will take Prasar Bharati and NFDC ‘s rich archival content to youth across the country and the world.

7. Skyroot Aerospace tests its 3D printed Dhawan 2 engine for a duration of 200 seconds

Skyroot Aerospace, a private space vehicle company in Telangana , tested its 3D printed Dhawan 2 engine for a duration of 200 seconds. The company has developed this engine for its heavy vehicle Vikram II . jis cryogenic engine It was tested and will be used in the upper stage of the advanced version of Vikram II. The upper stage’s cryogenic engine instead of a solid fuel stage increases the payload capability of the rocket. Skyroot performed its first sub-orbital flight in November last year. Single stage solid fuel Vikram S rocket was used in this launch. Vikram One rocket is the first rocket in this series of rockets being developed by the company. In this rocket, the company will use three solid fuel stages to take the satellites into orbit.

8. Sports festival to be organized in Rajasthan’s Kota-Bundi parliamentary constituency from May 1

Sports festival will be organized in Rajasthan ‘s Kota-Bundi parliamentary constituency from May 1 . For the first time the sports festival is being organized at the parliamentary constituency level. Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla , Sports and Youth Affairs Minister Anurag Thakur and Rajya Sabha MP, senior athlete and Indian Olympic Association President PT Usha released the poster for the event in New Delhi. Kabaddi, tennis, cricket and tug-of-war competitions will be organized in the sports festival. In the first phase, the competition will be held at the Gram Panchayat level, in which male and female teams from different villages will participate. In the final phase, the winning teams will participate in competitions at the assembly and Lok Sabha election levels.

9. Ministry of Cooperatives releases grant-in-aid amounting to Rs.30 crore for Vaikunth Mehta National Institute of Cooperative Management

Ministry of Cooperatives has approved and released one time grant-in-aid amounting to Rs.30 crore to Vaikunth Mehta National Institute of Cooperative Management . This amount will be used to create necessary infrastructure for the students and trainees. The ministry said that the government is committed to the overall development and prosperity of the cooperative sector and the people associated with it. Vaikunth Mehta National Institute of Cooperative Management established in 1967, is an apex center for cooperative management training, research and consultancy. It also organizes training programs for cooperative sector officials from SAARC countries Ethiopia, Mauritius and other countries.

10. Supreme Court dismisses opposition parties’ plea on alleged misuse of central agencies

The Supreme Court refused to hear the petition of 14 political parties . It was alleged in this petition that the Central Government is misusing the Central Investigation Agencies . Chief Justice DY Chandrachud and Justice J. B. Pardiwala The bench observed that without factual context, the court cannot issue general directions. The petition was filed by senior advocate Abhishek Manu Singhvi, on behalf of the opposition parties, which claimed that there was a rise in cases registered against opposition leaders by the Enforcement Directorate and the Central Bureau of Investigation. Casting doubts on the validity and merit of the petition, Chief Justice DY Chandrachud asked Mr. Singhvi whether he was seeking immunity from scrutiny for the opposition parties and whether they had any special rights as citizens.

11. Maritime Awareness Walkathon begins in New Delhi on the occasion of 60th National Maritime Day

On the occasion of 60th National Maritime Day, the Minister for Ports, Shipping and Waterways , Sarbananda Sonowal launched the Maritime Awareness Walkathon in New Delhi . On the importance of the maritime sector for India’s economic development, Shri Sonowal said that shipping is essential to the life of the country and is the way to the nation’s prosperity. For the first time, on 5 April 1919, a ship named SS Loyalty of the Indian company Scindia Steam Navigation Company Limited went from India to London to trade. In his memory, the Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways celebrates April 5 every year as National Maritime Day.

12. India-Japan 7th Defense Policy Dialogue held in New Delhi

India-Japan 7th Defense Policy Dialogue was held in New Delhi . A wide range of issues including military exercises, regional security, cooperation in defense equipment and technology were discussed during the meeting. The meeting was co-chaired by Defense Secretary Giridhar Armane and Oka Masami , Deputy Defense Minister for International Affairs. Shri Masami shared information on the recently released National Security Strategy and National Defense Strategy. The Defense Ministry has said that both the countries appreciated the growing cooperation through military dialogue and exercises.

13. According to the history of earthquakes in the country, 59 percent of the land area is prone to earthquakes of different intensity – Earth Sciences Minister Dr. Jitendra Singh

Earth Sciences Minister Dr. Jitendra Singh has said that according to the history of earthquakes in the country , 59 percent of the land is prone to earthquakes of various intensities. Is. In a written reply in the Lok Sabha, he said that at present there is no accurate system for early warning of earthquakes in the country. He said that there is no such scientific technology anywhere in the world which can give accurate information in advance in terms of time, place and its intensity. However, the National Center for Seismology – NCS is planning to set up an earthquake early warning system initially in identified areas of the Himalayas as a pilot project. He said that the National Disaster Management Authority regularly conducts awareness campaigns every year. Dr Jitendra Singh informed that Bureau of Indian Standards, Council for Promotion of Building Materials and Technology and Housing and Urban Development Corporation have issued guidelines for design and construction of earthquake resistant buildings to reduce loss of life and property due to earthquakes. Have done

14. India initiates anti-dumping probe into imports of sodium cyanide

India initiates anti-dumping probe into imports of sodium cyanide from China, EU, Japan and Korea following complaints from domestic players have started. Sodium cyanide is a white crystalline or granular powder. This releases hydrogen cyanide gas which is a highly toxic chemical asphyxiant, it interferes with the body’s ability to use oxygen. Exposure to sodium cyanide can be fatal. It is used for the extraction of gold and silver from their respective ores, the manufacture of insecticides, dyes, pigments and bulk drugs. The Directorate General of Trade Remedies (DGTR) has taken action after receiving requests/applications for investigation and implementation of appropriate anti-dumping duty on imports from these countries. As per DGTR, The Applicants allege that the alleged dumped imports are impacting the Domestic Industry. The subject country examines whether the increase in cheap imports has resulted in injury to the domestic sectors before imposition of anti-dumping duty. As a way of dealing with this, they impose these tariffs under the multilateral regime of the World Trade Organization (WTO), based in Geneva. The purpose of levying this duty is to ensure fair trade practice and to provide a level playing field to domestic producers as well as foreign producers and exporters. India has already imposed anti-dumping duties on several products to counter cheap imports from various countries including China. Along with providing a level playing field to foreign producers and exporters. India has already imposed anti-dumping duties on several products to counter cheap imports from various countries including China. Along with providing a level playing field to foreign producers and exporters. India has already imposed anti-dumping duties on several products to counter cheap imports from various countries including China.

15. New species of butterfly discovered in Kerala

Recently a butterfly subspecies (Caltoris bromus sadashiva) has been discovered from the shores of Akkulam and Vembanad lakes in Kerala . It belongs to the skipper butterfly family of Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies) . It is the first documented subspecies of the Bromus swift (Caltoris bromus) butterfly in the Western Ghats and peninsular India. With the discovery of Caltoris bromus sadashiva, the number of butterfly species in the Western Ghats has increased to 336 and that of skipper butterflies to 83, with the last skipper butterfly being discovered about 75 years ago. Caltoris, an Indo-Australian genus with more than 15 species, is found in Southeast Asia. Caltoris bromus is one of them and two other subspecies are Caltoris bromus bromus and Caltoris bromus yanuka.

16. Seed Bank in Asola Bhatti Sanctuary

After a few years of efforts to collect seeds from Delhi and other states, a ‘ seed bank ‘ for native plant species found in the Aravalli region is slowly taking shape at a nursery in the Asola Bhatti Wildlife Sanctuary . This project was started in the year 2015 and the Forest Department and Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS) being implemented jointly by The Asola Bhatti Wildlife Sanctuary nursery is growing more than 100 species of native grasses, plants and trees and provides saplings for plantation through agencies in the city. The purpose of the seed bank is to supply native plants for the city and to reintroduce species that are rare or hard to find. The aim of the seed bank is to raise awareness about the missing trees in Delhi, make them available by enabling people to grow these trees and map their location. There is a plan to increase the production to about one million plants per year. Asola-Bhatti Wildlife Sanctuary on the Delhi-Haryana border on the southern Delhi ridge of the Aravalli hill range covering an area of 32.71 spread over the area, It includes southern Delhi as well as northern parts of Faridabad and Gurugram districts of the state of Haryana. It is also part of the Sariska-Delhi Wildlife Corridor, which extends from Sariska Tiger Reserve to Delhi Ridge in Rajasthan.

17. Schengen visa process to be digitized soon

Schengen is a group of 27 European countries , in which there is free movement between countries . Ambassadors of EU member states have approved a new proposal that aims to digitize the visa application process . The move will replace the current ‘Schengen’ sticker with a digital barcode to streamline the process and reduce visa processing delays among the 27 European countries comprising the Schengen area. The new visa will come in the form of a cryptographically signed 2D barcode. The move is aimed at reducing forgery and fraud by replacing the existing stickers. A digital Schengen visa will make it easier for legitimate travelers to apply for and at the same time help make the Schengen area safer.

18. US and 10 other countries issue anti-spyware declaration

On March 30 , the US and 10 other countries issued a landmark anti-spyware declaration for the first time . It addressed the dangers posed by the misuse of commercial spyware. and sought to understand the importance of tighter domestic and international controls on the spread and use of this technology. The announcement states that Australia, Canada, Costa Rica, Denmark, France, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States will take decisive steps to build stronger security systems and processes within their respective systems. US President Joe Biden issued an executive order on March 29, banning the US federal government from using spyware. The move comes after several high-profile incidents, including the Pegasus spyware scandal involving the Israeli company NSO Group.

19. Amritpal Singh asked to call Sarbat Khalsa on April 14, Baisakhi Day

Sarbat Khalsa , a term meaning ” congregation of all “, refers to a traditional gathering of all factions of the Sikhs (Khalsa) to discuss political, social and religious issues of great importance to the community. The idea of this deliberative assembly of the Sikhs originated in the 18th century and was convened twice a year. Recently, Amritpal Singh requested Akal Takht Jathedar to celebrate Baisakhi Day on 14th April. But have asked to call Sarbat Khalsa. The move has drawn attention from the Sikh community, as the Sarbat Khalsa has been convened at an important time in Sikh history. During the Mughal period, Zakaria Khan, the governor of Lahore, conferred the title of Nawab on the Sikhs as a reward for their services. The Sikhs, however, refused to accept the title and instead called for the Sarbat Khalsa to discuss the issue. This started the tradition of calling Sarbat Khalsa. The tradition continued during the period of the Sikh Misls, which were confederations of Sikh chieftains. However, after the establishment of the Sikh Empire by Maharaja Ranjit Singh in 1799, the need for an institution like the Sarbat Khalsa diminished.

20. NASA researchers develop DAGGER model to forecast geomagnetic disturbances and provide warnings for impending solar storms

Space weather , or the effects of solar activity on Earth’s magnetic environment, can have mild to severe effects on a variety of technologies and infrastructure, from power grids and communications systems to GPS navigation and satellite operations. That’s why NASA researchers have developed a new computer model, called the Deep Learning Geomagnetic Perturbation (DAGGER) model, to forecast geomagnetic disturbances and provide warnings for impending solar storms. Integrates artificial intelligence (AI) with satellite data. The constant stream of charged particles, or plasma, emanating from the Sun is known as the solar wind. This solar wind, along with other solar phenomena, affects Earth’s magnetosphere and can cause geomagnetic disturbances. The peak of the Sun’s 11-year activity cycle, known as the solar maximum, may pose a significant threat to modern technology.

21. Azerbaijan and Tajikistan declared malaria free countries

Azerbaijan and Tajikistan were declared malaria-free by the WHO on March 29, 2023 . The announcement comes as the result of a massive century-long campaign by both countries to eradicate the disease. Malaria is a serious and life-threatening disease caused by the Plasmodium parasite and transmitted by the Anopheles mosquito. The declaration of Azerbaijan and Tajikistan as malaria-free by the World Health Organization is an important achievement for both countries. They have eliminated the Anopheles mosquito-borne disease in their areas.

22. Australia launches Safeguard Mechanism to reduce emissions

Australia’s Safeguard Mechanism (Crediting) Amendment Bill 2023 has been passed by Parliament, marking a significant milestone in the country’s efforts to address climate change . With this new arrangement to be effective from July 1, 2023 , this Safeguard Mechanism The aim is to ensure that Australia’s largest emitters contribute to the country’s emissions reductions. The Safeguard Mechanism covers 215 sites across the country that emit more than 100,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide a year, together producing 28% of Australia’s emissions. Fossil fuel operations, such as gas extraction sites, liquefied natural gas processing plants, and coal mines, make up about half of the covered facilities. Meanwhile, the rest of the facilities include steelworks, aluminum smelters, cement producers, chemical manufacturers, major transportation companies and airlines.

23. Myanmar army dissolves Aung San Suu Kyi’s party

Myanmar , also known as Burma , has been in political turmoil since a military coup on February 1, 2021 . A military junta led by General Min Aung Hlaing seized power and detained the country’s elected leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, and other prominent leaders. The military claimed voter fraud in the 2020 election, which the National League for Democracy (NLD) won by a landslide. The coup sparked widespread protests and violence across the country, with the junta using brutal tactics to suppress dissent. Most recently, the military junta dissolved the ruling party NLD last week, The move follows a new political party registration law that requires all parties to re-register by March 28, or face dissolution.

24. OPEC members announced an oil production cut of more than one million barrels per day from next month

OPEC members Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Iraq, Kuwait and Algeria have announced oil production cuts of more than one million barrels per day from May to December . They have explained that this is a hedge measure to support neutrality.

25. PNGRB amends regulation to allow unified tariff for natural gas pipelines

The Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (PNGRB) has amended the PNGRB (Determination of Natural Gas Pipeline Tariff) Regulation to include relevant regulations for a unified tariff , with a vision of “ One Country, One Grid and One Tariff ” Is. PNGRB Rs 73.93 per MBTU (Metric Million British Thermal Unit) levelized integrated tariff has been notified. The rates will be implemented as per the three tariff zones in the entire gas network of the country. The unified tariff will be effective from April 1, 2023. The first tariff zone will be considered up to 300 km from the gas source, the second from 300 km to 1200 km and the third zone beyond 1200 km from the gas source. The National Gas Grid covers all the connected pipeline networks which are operated by Indian Oil Corporation Limited, Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited, GAIL (India) Limited, Pipeline Infrastructure Limited, Gujarat State Petronet Limited, Gujarat Gas Limited, Reliance Gas Pipelines Limited, GSPL These are owned and operated by different entities such as India Gasnet Limited and GSPL India Transco Limited.

26. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) shared details about India’s International Investment Position (IIP) by the end of December 2022

Net claims of non-residents on India declined by $12 billion during October-December 2022 to $374.5 billion , according to India’s International Investment Position for the October-December period of the current financial year released by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) .

27. Bank of Maharashtra inaugurates its first dedicated branch for start-ups in Pune

Bank of Maharashtra for the first time has opened an exclusive branch for startups in Pune, Maharashtra . This special branch will provide all kind of support to the startup during its growth journey. The inauguration ceremony was attended by the executive director of the bank, Ashish Pandey, along with several other officials.

28. Fino Payments Bank and Rajasthan Royals tie up as digital banking partner

Fino Payments Bank has renewed its association with Rajasthan Royals (RR) for Season 16 of IPL . Fino Bank will officially be the digital banking partner of RR. The bank made its foray into the sporting event last season by partnering with RR as the digital payment partner. The latest launched Finopay Digital Savings Account is expected to gain more attention through this association.

29. April 5: National Maritime Day

For the first time, on 5 April 1919 , a ship named SS Loyalty of the Indian company Scindia Steam Navigation Company Limited went from India to London to trade . In his memory, the Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways celebrates April 5 every year as National Maritime Day . National Maritime Day is being celebrated annually since 1964. It provides an opportunity to spread awareness to support safe and environmentally friendly commerce between continents around the world. It should be noted that World Maritime Day is celebrated on the last Thursday of September to highlight the importance of shipping safety, maritime security and the marine environment.

30. International Conscience Day observed on 5th April

The United Nations General Assembly has designated 5 April
every year to be observed as the International Day of Conscience . The resolution was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 31 July 2019. The day serves as a reminder for people to introspect, follow their conscience and do the right thing. The day is observed every year on 5th April and the first International Day of Conscience was observed in 2020.